The Devil's Archive

"The Devil's Archive," He said, his eyes reflecting a hint of annoyance.

[You have named your library/book store, "The Devil's Archive]

Far and near into the bounds of Emeria, a notification was immediately projected in the sky for all to see.

[A new business has been opened in Emeria]

[The Devil's Archive is now open]

"The Devil's Archive," People whispered amongst themselves, confused as to why a business would be named such.

"There's an announcement made about your library," Liesl said to him.

Just then, another notification appeared before Emmet's eyes.

[You have received your first quest]

[Earn your first customer]

[Reward: Stats unlock + 100 gold coins]

[Time limit: 72:00:00]

"Get my first customer, huh?" He stared at the quest.

"There are many ways to get customers. Considering the fact that all libraries ever present in Emeria are for those who are lovers of literature but the Devil's Archive is a library with books that will be beneficial to warriors, mages, healers, alchemists, and even literature lovers. However, I do suggest doing a little introduction around the neighborhood to get familiar with people and even offer discounts on the prices which have all been calculated by the system," Liesl answered.

"That's a good idea. Well, it would have been a good idea if I weren't red," Emmet clenched his fist that rested on the table. "Who would listen to the words of a demon?"

"Unfortunately, I have no cure for your skin nor do I know a way of keeping you covered up but I do believe that taking a step forward would be the best thing to do first," Liesl assured him.

"If you say so. I would like to rest a little before we set out," Emmet sighed and placed his crossed legs on the table and rested his head in the hands of his entwined fingers.

All of a sudden, the urge to step out of the library seized him. Without taking even a second to be hesitant, he walked out of the library.

He walked a few metres away from the wooden shelter and paused.

Where was he?

He was no longer in the quietness of the Myriad Lane. Before him was a busy road on which a crowd moved to and fro.

He looked behind him to see that the library was nowhere to be found and he now stood in the midst of the people who walked to and fro. For some reason, everyone started to blur out of his vision except for someone who walked a few metres ahead of him.

The man had white hair just like him and a similar build though he couldn't see his face since his back was turned to him. The man was dressed in robes of cheap material and even his appearance told of how hard he was striving to hang onto life.

Emmet found himself walking up to the man from behind but no matter how fast he increased his pace, he could never catch up with him. He didn't know why he cared about going after this strange man but he felt a sort of connection that was luring him towards this haggard person.

His eyes immediately flew up. Beads of sweat decorated his forehead and a sigh of relief escaped his lips.

"It was just a dream. I always dream of the weirdest things," He shoved the thoughts of the strange dream aside.

He took his legs away from the table and yawned lightly. He took a brief survey of the library and then back at his table as if he was trying to remember something.

"Liesl!" He suddenly realized that the shape-shifter was not on the table where he had left her.

Tired and frustrated, he made his way out of the library only to find her on the porch. However, she wasn't alone.

"Found these guys and they wanted to play," She looked frustrated as she used her kitty paws to push away the cats that forcefully tried to snuggle at her fur.

"This is first class fur. Get away!" She screamed at them but it turned out that they could only "meow" and send wide-eyed gazes at her.

"Stray cats?" Emmet raised an eyebrow.

"Obviously," She shook her head lightly. "Are you ready to go?"

"I am," Emmet nodded even though he strongly believed that her suggestion would be a great waste of his time. Humans had always given him the same reaction whenever they set eyes on him. Nothing would change if he was politely inviting them to his newly opened book store.

A sigh of relief escaped Liesl and the swift rings of shadows transformed her appearance into that of a raven. She flapped her wings and made for Emmet's right shoulder.

She glanced back at the cats who were still stunned at what had just transpired.

"When I said first class fur, I meant it," She hmphed and looked ahead, carrying her head in her usual majestic poise.

"Where do we start from?" Emmet asked. There were quite a great number of houses that lined down the streets.

There were few people that walked across the streets but Emmet didn't bother to go up to any of them since the frightened stares they gave him already told him that they would never welcome even a cough from his mouth.

The first house they settled for was owned by a young couple.

Emmet cleared his throat as soon as the couple came to the door and were now staring at him.

"Good day!" He began, unsure of how to start up a conversation with them.

"G-good day," The young man stuttered. In that moment, Emmet noticed the swift movement of his hand that reached for his wife's waist and pulled her close to him in an attempt to protect her... protect her from what?

"I am new in the area and um...I recently opened a library and book store. It's not your ordinary store and I believe it would be a great...a great one for people like you who I believe are willing to gather information about the sixth realm and beyond," He continued.

Talking to people was a tad too difficult for him considering the fact that he hardly ever got the chance to commune with people other than his mother and Liesl.

"I see...but I'm sorry we don't read books," The young man replied. His left hand was slowly closing the door even before their conversation had begun.

Perhaps he was wondering what kind of a human had red skin to the point where they looked like they had just gotten out of a blood bath.

"Ah sorry for bothering you..." He was cut short by the sudden shutting of the door against him by the woman who appeared even more scared than her husband.

"F*ck you!" He said loud enough to their hearing before moving away.

"You sure have a lot to learn," Liesl shook her head.

"They have a lot to learn. I am red doesn't mean I'll eat them," Emmet scoffed. Maybe starting up a business was a bad idea for someone like him.

"The next stop awaits you," Liesl urged him on.

He heaved a sigh and stepped onto the porch of small wooden house.

He brought his fist gently against the door but no answer came forth.

"Liesl, use inspect," Emmet rolled his eyes.

His vision suddenly heightened and he could see everything past the door. However, he couldn't see the inns of the house in their real colours, he could only see the outlines of objects in a green colour.

His eyes continued the search until he spotted the outline of a human figure hiding behind the outline of a curtain.

"Yes I got spotted even before I came on," He chuckled. "We should move ahead."