The art of haggling

"So what exactly does that mean?" Emmet's voice came calm as he tried to maintain the steadiness at which he was breathing.

"Your spiritual energy is slowly fusing with your cursed energy and soon, they will become one." Liesl sounded confused the further she tried to dive deeper into explanation.

Since the cursed energy was growing fast and taking up the space meant solely for his spiritual energy, it was only right that the two energies would fuse to become one. Thereby making his cursed energy play the role of his spiritual energy.

"What do you suggest I do now?" Emmet proceeded to ask while still keeping his eyes closed.

"Although I can't really tell as to why or how your body is able to transform your spiritual energy into cursed energy, I strongly believe that is related to the reason why your skin is red. Humans with normal skin colours are able to cultivate spiritual energy which in turn affects their bodies, from health to strength. Since your spiritual energy gives rise to cursed energy, I believe its manifestation will certainly differ in you, from health to strength."

Liesl continued.

"I advise that you continue for the hour and we'll see what happens next."

After that, the smog surged out of Emmet's body and shaped into the black cat that settled before him.

"There's a little I can do to help," She said and walked closer to him to place her paw on his stomach.

Her paw was immediately covered in dark red energy that flowed into Emmet's stomach. After doing so for a few minutes, she took her paw away from him and stepped backwards.

"Now what do you see?" She asked.

"I see strings...strings of blue energy. They are from every direction but their movements are stationed in a spot. They are unmoving. What does that mean?"

"All I have done is to simply help you trace out the spiritual energy around you. All you need do is absorb one after the other by keeping your focus on each and steadying your breathing as you have done for some time now," Liesl instructed.

Emmet nodded and did as he was told. After adhering to her instructions, he realized that the first string he focused on, started moving towards him and soon disappeared inside of him.

This continued for the one hour duration of which the Ethereal tea was still effective in him. During that period, he was able to notice the growth in the yellow ball of flame and sudden reduction in the blue ball of flame, just as Liesl had said.


It was his second time entering a market and this time he had decided to go without covering himself up like last time. He just wanted to live his life the way he wanted without having to care about other people's opinions.

Every human has just one life to live. Of what use would that one life be, if it was spent on worrying about what the next person thought?

It didn't take long before he was able to find a carpenters shop. The carpenter mostly sold his work to store owners which ranged from wooden signboards to wooden stands and cabinets.

Emmet could see the curiosity in the man's eyes as regards his out worldly skin colour but his mouth did not dare ask a question.

"How much can I get one of those?" Emmet asked, referring to the "opened" and "closed" signboards used in stores.

"15 gold coins," The seller responded. "They are all pretty cheap. Let me get some from which you can choose from numerous designs"

Emmet twisted his lips.

' Liesl, in a case like this where the product I am buying is considered cheap. Is it necessary that I haggle?' He proceeded to ask the shape-shifter in his ring through his thoughts.

"In some cases, it isn't really required though there are places where prices are fixed and haggling can not take place. Let me ask you, do you really think that the signboard is actually worth 15 coins?"

' It is made out of wood. 15 coins makes sense but how about I just use this as a means to test my haggling skills?'

"Very well," Liesl replied.

The seller soon returned with a good number of signboards of various designs.

"You can choose whichever one you like," The man said.

  Emmet simply nodded. He didn't really care for anything fancy since the signboard didn't serve any purpose other than making it known to customers if the Archive was opened or closed.

And so he reached for the first one he set his eyes on.

"I'll take this one for 12 gold coins," He said, eager to see how his words would affect the seller's expression.

"12?" The man poked his head forward. "Bring me 14 gold coins and you can have it. 12 good coins is a no."

' He seems to be adamant about selling it above 12 gold coins,' Emmet said to Liesl. He had grown confused on what to do next.

"Insist. That's what haggling is all about," Liesl answered.

"I insist on buying it for 12 gold coins. 15 may seem quite cheap to you but it is slightly expensive," Emmet insisted.

"I can't sell it for 12 gold coins. That will literally cut me short and I'll be at a loss," The man looked displeased.

' He has refused. What am I supposed to do now? Will haggling really work in such a case?' Beads of sweat formed on Emmet's forehead. Haggling was a hassle yet Liesl seemed to be taking it too lightly and ensuring that he would master it.

"You take the price up a little and I mean by 1 coin, he should see it as fair then since it is just 2 coins away from the actual price," She replied.

Emmet huffed a load of air, feigning an expression of contemplation as he stared at the signboard.

"13 gold coins," He raised his gaze to meet the seller's, narrowing his eyes to slits as though he was in a crucial game of gambling.

The seller paused for a bit, equally going into his own moment of contemplation.

"Alright bring it," The man finally agreed and Emmet handed over the amount requested, while he was given the signboard.

"Thank you very much. For letting me win this haggle, I hope there will be something I'll purchase from you in the future," Emmet bowed his head with a smile.

The man blankly gazed at him as if wondering, "He sounds just as strange as his skin appears."

"I feel so achieved," Emmet said with so much excitement after he had moved away from the store and Liesl could not help but release a chuckle in his head.