To learn

The wooden wall clock stationed at a top corner in the library suddenly struck 8:00pm and a brief "gong" followed.

In response to the clock's announcement, Emmet moved to step out of the store. He reached out for the signboard he had hung on the door and turned it to the other side which displayed, "closed." Immediately after, he returned into the shelter to his desk.

"Sire," Liesl began. "Now that I think of it, how about you step out of the Archive for sometime tonight, considering the fact that there will be no customers coming in now that it is closed?"

"What am I to do at night?" He asked, the look on his face showing that he was clueless as to what she was saying.

"I am suggesting you use your free time to get to know more about your surroundings and the outside world, considering the fact that you never got the chance to really explore any of it while staying with your mother," Liesl explained.

"Circus boy, here's what she says," Ashley's loud voice chipped in from across the room. "Get a life!"

Emmet moved his gaze from her and back to the cat as if asking, "Is that true?"

"Well, In her terms that is," Liesl rushed over her words and looked away.

"Where exactly do we even go?" He further inquired.

"You can simply walk and learn more about nature and even visit other stores. Emeria has a pretty vibrant nightlife," The cat proposed.

"I'll help you out," Ashley walked up to them with a mocking smile playing on her lips. "I know Emeria like the back of my hands and I do know some quite interesting places for you to learn more about."

"Aren't you going to be revealing yourself to whoever is after you, if you come with me? but then, I can't trust you with the Archive either," Emmet narrowed his gaze at her to slits.

"I know places where Akira or her men don't go and are also great places. It's night, it'll be fine," She said in a tone that made it seem like she was assuring herself more than she did to him.

"Right," Emmet slowly nodded and got on his feet. Without the need to be told, Liesl reduced to smog and moved into his ring.

Side by side, he and Ashley stepped out of the Archive which automatically locked once they were gone.

"So where exactly do we head to?" Emmet was curious.

His eyes watched as the streets were not as empty and as quiet as it always was during the day time.

People moved along the walkway, a majority of them in a hurry as they walked.

He could tell that they were hurrying home either from work or wherever they had been.

"I know a nice spot. We should go eat something," Ashley moved her hand over her stomach in demonstration. "That will be a nice place to start from."

  ' What do you think?' He opted to still inquire from Liesl. Ashley was a crazy girl and relying on her responses alone would definitely prove to be extremely harmful than it seemed.

"I agree with the thief. It is all part of learning of the things in Emeria," Liesl responded in agreement to Ashley's suggestion.

"What do you say?" Ashley looked up at him after not hearing a word from him for a brief moment.

"Lead the way," He simply answered.


There were tinted lights everywhere. From the glass door that led into the so-called restaurant, the fairly long lobby, to the spacious room.

Upbeat music was playing in the background and a handful of young men and women swayed their bodies to the music. Long couches were stationed here and there on which people treated themselves to drinks, game of cards, and conversations.

The red-skinned man had managed to capture the attention of quite a lot of the people present in this place. Although they barely showed any sign of fear, they stared.

Even the hooded lady beside him failed to capture as much attention as he did.

They both walked up to the counter and each took a seat on one of the tall stools before it.

The attender who worked at the counter was an innocent looking young man with a bright smile and cheerful expression. From his appearance alone, it would be difficult to tell that someone like me workes in such a place as this.

"Hey Mikey!" Ashley greeted as she took the hood off her head to reveal her lush silver hair.

"Hey," He greeted with his usual bright smile, while pouring light blue liquid into two glasses which he served to a couple seated three seats away from Emmet and Ashley.

"Meet Emmet," Ashley continued.

Mikey's gaze moved from her face and he acknowledged the red man's presence for the first time. On seeing that, Emmet bowed his head slightly in greetings.

It wasn't that he felt inferior under Mikey's gaze. Bowing of heads was a simple and formal way of greeting people in his past life but here on Earth, it seemed different amongst people - some did while others didn't.

"Oh hi," Mikey nodded before returning his gaze to Ashley. "You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Nah circus boy can't," She laughed. "Anyways, bring today's classic."

"Coming right up," Mikey smiled and turned his back to them and faced the shelves behind him.

"I thought you said this place was a restaurant. It's a bar," Emmet spoke in a low voice.

"And restaurant," Ashley stressed. "What are you? 12?"

"I just mean you have to say things as they are so you can earn people's trust," He pointed out.

"Ain't gonna pay my bills," She snapped her fingers and quickly reached out for the glass of bright red drink Mikey handed over to her.

"Thank you," Emmet took the drink given to him and placed it before himself.

' Liesl, use inspect.'

[Analysing subject]

[Analysing content]

[Analysis has been completed]

[Name: Codal Elixir]

[Remark: Substance has been confirmed to be suitable for consumption. Alcohol content will unlikely cause host to be intoxicated due to different physique than normal. Transcendental content acts as supplements for host's body. Natural essence and Natural flavours also support in terms of supplements and also help to mask down the level of Alcohol present].

He picked up the glass and tilted its contents into his mouth.

"Tastes good, right?" Ashley asked with a smile after taking a few sips.

"Pretty nice," Emmet nodded in agreement.

"I'm glad you two like it," Mikey placed his hands on his waist in a show of fulfillment and satisfaction.

"Bring my meal over," Ashley gulped the remaining liquid in one go. Emmet followed suit and she led him over to another side of the bar that served as a local restaurant.