
His eyes rolled and when he opened his eyes he found himself on the floor, with a headache that dug into his scalp and into his eyes in his socket. He groaned, he tried to pick himself up but his legs refused to listen to his brain.

Kyrexiel was glad that Orso didn't use his full strength or else he would have blown his head off. Even with the little strength he used from his rank, it felt as if his head was just reattached.

He looked around, his blackout must only be seconds because the two were still as they were. The only difference was that Kyrexiel was there lying in the middle.

He dragged himself away from Orso. His thoughts were sluggish but he could still remember what the Ometra clan leader said about him not having a choice as a 'slave'.

'I wish I had my hammer here with me." Kyrexiel shook his head. He knew his face was tender before he even touched it but that wasn't his concern. He was only glad that there was no blood.

He didn't have time to worry about that because the hostility between the two groups rose sharply and Orso shrugged. "What? Don't look at me like that Elyrixa, he's not from your clan."

Kyrexiel felt anger then. It was the same type he felt when he was with Cormac. An helpless anger that made him want to scream and punch something at his uselessness. He clenched his fist as frustration bubbled.

Throughout his life on earth, he had always made his decision himself but now, he was as powerless as a child to make anything go his way.

Urlk helped him up. "You get yourself in trouble again, Kyrexiel. After just surviving the blue shield."

Elyrixa was speaking. ".......that he's under my protection. Are you trying to pick a fight with me?"

Orso's teeth gleamed and he looked even taller, almost twice Elyrixa's height. "Why would I pick a fight with the Scuridae? When you already picked one with someone more powerful than me."

"What do you mean?" Elyrixa said with a deathly whisper.

Orso shrugged. "It was fun working with you but it was very frustrating and disgusting too. You behave as if your clan is special instead of shit-eating low bloodline as the rest of us,"

"I'll tell you this for free. You are just as rotten as the rest of us but don't worry, I'll only be a bit sad to put you out of your misery."

The silence that followed this time was like that that lingers in the graveyard. It brought with it a chill that raised the hairs on Kyrexiel's body and his hand gripped the dagger tighter. He didn't like the sounds of that.

And in the corner came the clink sound of the door sliding lock. It was impossibly loud in the room.

"You rotten bastard! You betrayed me!" Elyrixa hissed and a sword appeared in her hand. Urlk sent Kyrexiel back with a rough shove and the clan all formed a tight circle backing each other.

Orso shook his head as if to a child. "Betray you? I don't do that. I'm a businessman and what I only do is set up a meeting between two people that want to meet."

Then the Ometra clan started to move back, they moved backward with their backs their eyes on the Scuridae who didn't make any move to follow them.

They couldn't. Kyrexiel shuddered as he felt an aura pass through the room like a scanning raider. It was cold and slimy and it raised the hairs on his body. "What is that?"

He didn't have to wait long. Out the the darkness of the room hooded figures stepped out, almost double the size of the Scuridae. They surround them in an even bigger circle. Assassins.

Their leader stepped forward. "The Scuridae clan. You should know this is nothing personal. I'm here for the job. Same as everyone in the Crumbs."

Elyrixa laughed. There was no humor there. "Tell that to the hundreds you have killed! You are making a very big mistake there by attacking me. My clan will tear you apart."

"No they won't," the assassin leader's face was covered but his voice was smooth. "Because they're getting killed as we speak. You should have left the Iridessa alone. Now you and your clan will pay for it."

Kyrexiel saw the words hit the Scuridae, especially Elyrixa, it looked as if an arrow hit her in the chest. She stiffened and he saw as all reason left her.

The Scuridae moved as one. Weapons raised, they ran forward, moving too fast for Kyrexiel to track, and the assassins met them in a clash of ringing steel.

Kyrexiel was left alone in the side watching the two fight. His hand trembled faintly on his dagger. 'Should I join them? If I do then I'll surely die. I simply do not have the power' As much as he did not like it, he knew there was nothing he could do.

Orso laughed and pointed at Kyrexiel. "Leave me that kid alive!"

Two blurs of streaking dark collided and weapons flashed. Kyrexiel was watching the two leaders, they were both in tier three, rank three.

When the two leaders clashed their weapons together, it created a small shockwave that sent those fighting around them falling back. And with an unseen agreement, they moved away from their people fighting so they could have the space to use their full power.

The assassin leader was using a long thin blade that moved like the wind while Elyrixa's short sword had the power behind it to cut him to two with one slash.

It became a game of reach versus strength as the two fought. But the assassin leader had the upper hand here because his sword was faster and had a longer reach.

Soon he had Elyrixa bleeding from numerous small wounds on her body. She saw the dangers and created space between them, her breathing was already turning harried.