Kill them

"That's your Bloodline technique. Very impressive. No wonder you are very good at information selling. You are like cockroaches. Always where they are not wanted." The assassin leader walked forward slowly, taking his time now that his opponent was down.

Kyrexiel froze. 'What should I do? Help her? With what? I'll be killed! Danm it Kyrexiel!' He took a step and froze again as his brain warned him that he was practically useless now at this moment.

He clenched his fist and watched.

The clothes that Elyrixa was wearing were now a rag with holes and crumbling. "You" her words came out slurred. Some of her teeth had fallen off.

"You told me your bloodline technique. I'll tell you mine," He raised his shriveled left hand. "This is my short. It's keyed directly with my bloodline technique. And it does only one thing, it ages all things it comes in contact with. If I want it to."

That was why the arrows crumbled! Kyrexiel thought. 'He just ages them and they unnaturally turned to dust'

"I can age something faster than you can blink. You see, everything has to age. Things with life or not. And you are not an exception." The assassin said.

When Elyrixa coughed, it came out wet with blood. "I....that's your Bloodline technique."

The assassin picked up his sword and then he stood in front of her, he raised it. "I thought you would be a tough opponent but you disappointed me, Elyrixa of the Scuridae."

Elyrixa laughed, her frail bones shaking beneath her thin wrinkled skin. "All you've witnessed was the power of my Shorv, and one part of my Bloodline technique."

Kyrexiel watched him bring the sword down, he saw it in horrific slow motion. And saw something unexpected happen. The assassin leader's right hand, the one holding the sword erupted with with blood as hair spikes grew long and sharp out of it.

He dropped the sword and screamed, voice tight with pain. Power gathered around Elyrixa as she focused all her remaining energy on the technique.

The spikes on his hand started to erupt upward, breaking bones as they burrowed into his flesh and bone.

'Yes!' Kyrexiel shouted mentally, almost jumping up. 'She has a chance!'

But the assassin's leader didn't blink twice, his shriveled left hand came down and chopped his right hand just below the shoulder, and and his right hand crumbled and fell off. "Bitch!"

Elyrixa laughed again, the remaining energy left her and she bent coughing. But she was smiling. "Part of my Bloodline technique can shrink other things too. I've hidden those in your body since the first time we crossed Blade."

Kyrexiel deflated but he was impressed. 'To think she has planned this. No wonder she was the clan leader!'

Angry aura crawled around the assassin, making the air around him shiver. "You...! I have lost my hand. The most important thing for an assassin. You deserve more than death."

Elyrixa looked at the assassin in satisfaction. That was the only thing she could do now. A shame that her hair didn't get to his heart before he cut his hand off. "Aren't you friends with the Iridessa? Ask for a new metal hand."

The assassin said nothing and instead started coming forward, the bloodlust that came out of him was making Kyrexiel sweat from his place, and the whole room was now silent and still as everyone there responded to the aura.

Kyrexiel knew then that the assassin would do unforgivable this to Elyrixa. He tried to get his feet to move but his whole body was paralyzed without fear from the aura coming from the assassin.

The assassin stood in front of Elyrixa. "I will kill you slowly." His voice was like a sharpened blade, cold and hard.

"Elyrixa!" Urlk's voice broke the heavy stillness in the room like an arrow. "Leave her alone you bastard! Elyrixa. If you touch....." the sound of flesh on flash was sharp and he was cut off, followed by a thud.

Kyrexiel looked over, three of the Scuridae clan members were kneeling on the floor with the assassins surrounding them. Urlk was on the floor, clutching his head from the blow from one of the assassins.

"You..u...poor bastard. Urlk, as your clan leader I forbid you to die. I as the new leader. Don't...let me down," then she locked eyes with the assassin and then she smiled sweetly at him.

The assassin got it faster than Kyrexiel and he lurched forward but it was already done. Long, black, spikes, made of hair punched their way out of Elyrixa's chest.

Blood sprayed the assassin who was now frozen in front of her. "Bitch killed herself." He whispered. The aura around him doubled and then slowly died off.

Kyrexiel was breathing hard. 'Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!' Now he knew why the owner of this body was a coward and shut himself in his room.

The assassin leader straightened and then looked around the room, body littered everywhere. The assassin let out a short bark of laughter. "She killed most of my men and took my hand. Impressive indeed."

'Nothing Impressive when you're dead! Kyrexiel thought. He started moving back, hoping the shadows of the audience stand would cover him.

But no such luck.

Orso walked forward, smiling like a wolf. "I see why the Iridessa valued you. What a powerful Bloodline technique," he towered over the assassin leader. "If you ever get tired of working for that fatty, you can always come work for me."

The assassin leader ignored him and then went to his fallen right hand, he looked at it for a second then he squatted and touched it with his left hand.

When he stood, there was only dust on the floor. "My job here is done."

"Eh boss, what are we doing with these?" One of the assassins asked, pointing at the three Scuridae still alive.

"Kill them."

Orso raised his two hands. "Wait, wait. I need them. Especially that one." He pointed at Urlk. Then he swung to where Kyrexiel was hiding. "And you too, Reaper blood."