He's for the dark room

"Yes." Kyrexiel said. He braced himself for whether reaction that was going to be thrown at him.

But still, he was caught off guard when Malak started to laugh. His voice bouncing in the empty space. "You are tier one! Meant for the dark room!" He laughed again.

Kyrexiel found that he was offended. "Why are you laughing?"

Malak stopped. "I just think it's funny that you will soon die," he said calmly. "It's inevitable."

Kyrexiel looked at him flatly. He had lost most of the fears he had when coming here but that doesn't mean he's still not afraid of the man sitting before him.

The man that can snap him in two without blinking. "And if I don't die?"

"You will." Malak sounded so sure of himself that it rubbed Kyrexiel wrongly. "You can't escape the dark room. No one can."

"Ironic then. That you survived."

"I'm different. I was lucky, something out of the norms," a shrug. "There's no process to it or you'll see more. So you'll die and I'll eat your meat. And taste that blood of yours." His tongue slipped out and licked his lips.

Kyrexiel resisted a shudder. 'I'm surprised that you haven't even call me out for my obviously superior bloodline. Then again, you probably think it's nothing. There are lots of bloodline after all'. Outside he said. "And if I don't die? What if I survive it?"

Malak started at him as if he has just been challenged. "You can't survive. You are not special! You are a creature of flesh that feels fear."

"I can survive," Kyrexiel paused. "If you tell me how to. How did you survive your own dark room?"

Malak shuddered and looked away. "Pain. Too much pain and my fear filled the air so much I choked on it. Let me tell you something, your own fear can't sweet to your mouth. It's bitter."

Kyrexiel's finally saw a flash of brief insanity in Malak's eyes as he said that. They were silent for a while until Kyrexiel shook his head. "I'll survive it. I have no choice but to do so."

Malak shook his head. "So says a lot of them but they all end up as my food. You will too and I will enjoy it."

"If I survive then you stop serving Orso." Kyrexiel said. A gamble there but he had nothing to lose now.

Malak smiled, cat like. "Oh? And who should I serve instead."

Kyrexiel looked him in the eyes. "You should serve someone with a superior bloodline. Me. My Bloodline is stronger than that of Orso."

Malak giggled and then clapped. "And what will I gain if you don't survive it? It's not like you will be here to give me anything. Don't seems like a good bet to me."

Kyrexiel nodded. "A bragging right? At least I can say you'll enjoy...my meat even more because of this bet."

Malak tilted his head and his expression calmed once more. "You are right. It'll enjoy it. You have yourself a deal then. If you survive then I'll serve you as my master."

Kyrexiel stood. "Then I better get to it then. But first, tell me. Why haven't you escape from here? You have the power to do so."

"Because I like it here. I can fight and feed on all the fears." He shrugged.

Kyrexiel wondered how many of the slaves felt this way. The imprisonment must have gotten to them. It certainly got to the old man. 'The better I get out here the better'

"Come to think of it. I have a debt to settle here." He smiled at Malak.


Kyrexiel opened the door and he wasn't surprised at what he saw. The old slave was there and so were the guards. Five of them, including the one that he escaped from in the marked prison.

The old slave pointed at him. "That's him! He snatched the food tray from my hand and ran inside! I couldn't stop him!"

Kyrexiel nearly rolled his eyes. He expected this. But still, the old slave had cornered him. That was the way of the Rashakas – to find ways tp pull others down while they uplift themselves.

The lead guard, eyes dark as coal breath down at Kyrexiel and flexed hands big enough to snap him in two. "Master Orso won't be pleased."

"I'm not pleased. I say we remove some flesh from his body! That'll teach him!" The guard that let him escaped glared at him.

"Oh..? You want to touch my new toy?" A cold voice sliced the air and the darkness behind Kyrexiel parted to reveal Malak, pale white and red eyes glowing.

The reaction was fast and sudden, they recoiled fast and those with weapons went for it but they all moved back, and Kyrexiel could also see the fear soaked into them.

Malak's eyes shone brighter and he breath in deeply as he inhaled the fear that clouded the space. He bloodline technique allowing him to drink it all in.

And they are right to be afraid. A tier four is no joke as the gap between the tiers only widen as the you advance up.

"I caution you against that. I don't want to snap Orso's toys into two. Not today. I'm in a good mood." Malak said. He came forward and the guards gave him space as they spread out in front of him.

Kyrexiel found it impressive that they were still holding their positions even when they saw a threat they could not handle. He briefly regretted his bet because looking at the man now, Kyrexiel was such there was a bait there. If he survived, Malak was already planning what to do.

"He's for the dark room." The lead guard said.

Mala didn't reply as he got closer to the old slave that has stiffened. "Old one. You did not bring me my food today. You saved me from your stink." His mouth curled and his fangs flashed.