Life bringer

Aviarachner and Sandskar stopped fighting immediately, they both turned to him. Sandskar brought the platform closer to himself his eyes were alight. "This...this changes things, Aviarachner. We should come together to stop them first and then we can come to a deal later."

Kyrexiel didn't know what was going on but he knew enough that something was wrong. And a lot of things were coming. The man was stretched thin to his senses as it was used to power different things.

So he put his bleeding finger into his mouth until his healing kicked in.

Kyrexiel didn't want to think of things, people capable of stretching the mana of a world thin. To anyone's senses, the mana in the air is like a sea, some areas have higher concentration than others but they were connected so that if there were any disturbances, it could be located.