The first fight

"Since we are holding the first match in my place then it's only natural that I be among the first fighters!" The Gamemaster said.

The first fighters were called. The man with the white hair, Gorvo, and Zara were called.

"Yes!" Zare shouted as she was called and she looked at Kyrexiel smugly as if she had done something he should be jealous of.

But Kyrexiel was glad he wasn't going first. He wanted to see what it all looked like and better even that it was that boy Gorvo who was fighting first– the Gamemaster's slave fighter.

They entered the fighting stage and at the sight of Gorvo, the crowd began to shout, higher than they did for Kyrexiel. They clapped and shouted his name till the whole arena shook with it.

Kyrexiel understood what Zara meant by what she said that Gorvo had such a hold on the crowd. They faced each other and Zara looked as if she couldn't wait to start fighting.