
Kyrexiel nodded. He didn't speak, his voice might have him away, and since he still did not know what Cormac was planning he didn't want to overplay his hand.

But the truth was that Kyrexiel didn't know how to convince them that he was Kyrexiel. He needed to show them through fighting.

"Very well," Gorvo said. Then he surprised Kyrexiel by bowing to Kagerou. "But if you don't mind my Lord, I'd rather fight you. I heard the Reginald Swordsmanship is the most powerful." His hand tightened on his sword.

Kagerou tilted his head up. "You disagree?"

Gorvo looked him straight in the eyes. "Yes."

Kagerou nodded, his eyes sharpened but then he yawned. "Well, I'm sure your Swordsmanship is the most powerful. Can you start fighting now?"

Kyrexiel snorted. Sounds like Kagerou alright.