Heed me

"You bastard!" Cormac picked himself up but the Heirloom he held was now a dull red in his hand. All the mana in their surround was going to only one area. The main palace.

"Your Majesty," Luc said to the Bloodscion while keeping an eye out on Cormac.

"The guardians. Something is happening over there," she turned. "What have you done?"

Cormac flinched. The arena was almost empty now with the audience and everyone else running away. He squared his shoulder, and small globes of water surrounded him. "You think I will be foolish enough to attack you in your palace with your guardians mere breath away from you? But now, you can't summoning them. They have been disabled!"

"Should I kill him, your Majesty? Before he gets that Heirloom up again."