The plan

"You called my Lord." The Clown bowed, he was holding a number of rolled up maps in his hand. He was surprised when he was suddenly called away. He didn't much like leaving his residence but it is a call he couldn't ignore.

A cloth carpet was spread on the floors of the garden, and it was there that Kyrexiel sat with food and wine he promised Malak. They were deep in the garden surrounded by purple and black roses.

It smelled of dirt and plants here with a hint of dampness, the surrounding has been enchanted to make it cool. Also, Kyrexiel had pulled Gorvo and Flynn from their training to secure the place from listening ears.

"I called because I need something from you, Clown." Kyrexiel gestured, he was lying against a pillow on the carpet, rolling one the small fruit in his mouth.

Malak sat down and started to help himself with the food in front of him while Kagerou stood behind him as usual.