
After five days of going like this. Kyrexiel could be said to be one of the richest men alive.

"I don't know why you are doing this," Kagerou asked as they stood atop another hill, overlooking yet another farmland. "If the High Elder hears about this."

"What's he going to do, kill me?" Kyrexiel raised his brows. "He already planned that. This money will be useful for something else very soon. And I think the soldiers are far away now, come out, Urlk."

From Malak's pocket, an ant-sized man jumped out, growing rapidly. Urlk bowed. "I have done the calculations of what this man is owning in tax. And his farm is no big. He's selling his produce to a bigger farm than the other will smuggle."

Urlk had been with them since hidden in Malak's pocket with the spatial bag. The reason was simple: Kyrexiel was going to need all Urlk had gained from the Clown. His network.