Bended knee

Kyrexiel turned slowly, he took in Vythari. "What is it that you want from me again? I haven't yet stated the terms for the deal. I only gave you what I can offer. I've not yet know what you can offer."

Vythari snared. "You will play with the life of my daughter?"

"It is not I who play with her life, you are. You know if she doesn't have bloodline technique then she cannot be your heir. They will tear her apart. I can make her master her technique and sit the Naga throne."

Vythari froze. How did he know so much about his family? It's not something that is publicly known. He haf kept his daughter hidden, even from the face of the court. It had been a surprise as well when the Scion reached out.

And the truth, as they both knew it is that Vythari would do anything for his remaining family. "What do you want?" He finally said after a long time of silence.