Blood and steel

The standing army is three thousands strong, ready and prepared to move at anytime. They are the ones that usually patrols the border of the city.

And right now they are at the border.

"Then it is settled then, I head east tomorrow."

"It'll take at least a day to summon them back from the border." Carmen pointed out.

"Then I will ride out to meet them. We will head east from here." There's a reason Kyrexiel choose Ignisvi as his first target, first it's the oldest Clan in the south and secondly, it's like a crossroads in itself, standing at the border of East and west.

Kyrexiel meant to head to east from here.

Carmen nodded. "Then I will send a messenger with you but my Lord, why are you so eager to head south? You can hold out here to wait for the rest of the army."