
The first result quickly appeared.

-Magic DensityScore: 61-

Alvin and Romario nodded, followed by their Familiars. "That's a good score. Danil has some talent."

Julia was even happier. "Way to go, Danil!"

Danil seemed a little embarrassed by the compliments, though. "Eh? Oh! Right! Of course! As expected of me! hahaha!" Since Julia was only thirteen and you could only join the academy at the age of twelve, that meant Danil was only a single year old. His youth was easy to see through his reaction.

The worker didn't pay attention to that and simply called the following test. "Next, magic control."

As soon as he said that, hundreds of small energy spheres appeared around the room. They quickly began to float around at a relatively high speed, but it was still possible to discern them easily. It was also possible to see that they had three different colors, green, yellow, and red, with red being at the center. "Just use your Magic Energy to hit each target one by one. The power of the strike matters not, only your control. The more central the hit is, the higher your overall score. Naturally, try to hit the red marks. You one three minutes."

Danil nodded and immediately controlled his magic to shoot a small concentration of energy. The moment he shot for the first time, the timer began to countdown.

Linfel looked at that and found it quite interesting. Still, he had a few doubts. "Why can these tests ascertain if a Familiar can go independent or not? Even if they don't have some good magic overall, they could still live on their own by performing some odd jobs, no? After all, most humans in this world aren't Maguses but still have their jobs, just like your father."

Alvin pondered about it. "To be honest, even I am not certain why it is the case. If I were to guess, anyone willing to employ a Familiar would only do so because of its ability to control Magic Energy. Familiars aren't very common, you know, so it isn't like anyone is going to simply accept them as if they were some normal person looking for work. That also goes for other things like residence searching and similar things."

Linfel nodded. "I guess it makes sense."

Danil continued to shoot at the targets, most of the time hitting the Yellow or Green parts. He also managed to hit a few reds, but they weren't as many. Soon, three minutes were gone, and the alarm sounded. With that, all the targets disappeared at once. Naturally, the results quickly followed.

-Magic Control Score: 44-

Julia and the others sighed. Danil's inexperience was made pretty obvious with this test.

"Don't worry, Danil!" Julia quickly cheered the Familiar up. "Your average score is still above 50 at the moment. Do your best in the final test!"

Danil nodded. "Yes, I know. My Magic Control was my weak point anyway, so I'm not surprised. I need to train more."

The worker then changed to the last test. "Alright, the last test is the simplest. Judging by your previous tests, you are still a Low-Grade Familiar. I'll show you a target, and you need to attack it with a simple wave of pure Magic Energy. No other types of attack are allowed. Simply put, this is a Magic Power Test."

"Low-Grade Familiar?" Linfel asked Alvin.

"It is the same as the Magic Stones. If you pay attention, the yellow color around Danil is pretty pale. That is the mark of a Low-Grade Familiar, just like Magic Energy and Magic Energy Stones. Even a Magus's Level can be further divided into Low, Medium, and High-Grade Magus. For example, Felia and I have just become Medium-Grade Level One Magus and Familiar not long ago," Alvin explained. "I thought it was pretty obvious, so I didn't comment before."

Linfel had to admit he was right. "Well, that's true. I did see the difference in the color density of the Familiars with the same color. Well, that makes things even more simple. I quite like this system you guys use."

The next target appeared, looking like a barrier made of shining diagrams that came out of the ground. "Alright, just hit it with the strongest magic Energy Wave you can. Don't worry about everyone around you. The testing area is protected by a barrier to prevent Magic Energy leakage," explained the worker.

"Go! Go! You can do it, Danil!" Young Julia cheered even more. 

Alvin, Romario, Linfel, Felia, and Calisbin smiled after seeing that. They all nodded at each other and joined the chorus. "Go! Go! Go! You can do it, Danil!"

Well, poor Danil only felt even more nervous with such an audience. However, seeing how Julia cheered for him, he truly wanted to do his best.

Danil's Magic Energy began to circulate and expand, being dragged out of Danil's core as fast as he could. He continued to accumulate more until he reached the point where he couldn't control any more Magic Energy. Finally, he shot it forward, hitting the wall of magic diagrams.


The Wall lit up, absorbing the Magic Energy wave. It was made to match Danil's level as a Familiar so that its test would be fair. After all, a Level Two Familiar, even if not talented at all, would have more strength simply because of the Red Magic it could control.

A second later, the Magic Energy dissipated, and the wall of magic diagrams returned to normal. The test result, naturally, appeared as a result.

-Magic Power Score: 55-

-Average Test Score: 53.3-

"Hahaha! I did it!" Danil quickly left the testing area and jumped into Julia's embrace. The young lady, obviously, was just as happy.

The worker faintly smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Alright, you two. You can wait here or go out to finish Danil's registration. He is an independent familiar from now on." He was a little surprised, actually. For a familiar so young like Danil, being able to achieve a score above 50 wasn't easy.

Julia then took a deep breath and pushed Danil away a little. "So, you can go now. Live a good life."

Danil quickly floated around before laying on Julia's head, though. "I already have a good life."

Alvin and Romario smiled. Their Master Familiar Connection would definitely increase a lot in the future.

"Alright, the next Familiar can take the test now," the worker called out promptly.

"Well, that's me," Calisbin remarked.

The test for Calisbin was the same as for Danil, of course. However, he did not pass in the end.

-Average Test Score: 47.8-

"So close!" Romario and Calisbin exclaimed simultaneously.

Calisbin emerged from the test and settled on Romario's shoulder, seemingly unconcerned about the result. "Did you see it?! Did you see it?! I went up five points since last year!!!"

Romario patted his head in response. "Of course! I've seen all the effort you've put in, so it's obvious your results would improve this much. Next year, for sure, you'll pass the test."

Julia, who had stayed behind to see the other Familiars, couldn't help but look a little sad. "Are you really alright?"

Calisbin looked at her. "Hey, there's no need to look like that. It's all a matter of time now. Besides," he patted Romario's shoulder in return, "with a master like this guy, what does it matter if I gain independence or not?"

"What do you mean by 'this guy?' Have I caused you any trouble?" Romario didn't appreciate how he was addressed, though.

Calisbin smirked at him. "Hoho! So you're truly asking that. Very well, where should I start? Right, let's talk about your early mornings."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Romario quickly grabbed the Familiar's core. "Alright, alright! I understand! There's no need to say anything else. Master Calisbin, please spare me!"

"That's more like it," Calisbin nodded, satisfied.

Surprisingly, Alvin and Julia looked away, not laughing at all. They even pretended they didn't hear anything. On the other hand, Felia and Danil didn't hold back.

"Hahaha! So you guys also have these issues?" Felia couldn't help but smile as she commented.

"Felia!" Alvin quickly called her attention, but Felia just wore a playful expression.

"Wait! You too?" Danil was no different. "You have to see what kind of mess this girl causes when no one is looking! Her mother even-"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Julia interjected quickly, stopping Danil before he could say anything else.

Alvin, Julia, and Romario smiled bitterly. Was it normal that Familiars liked to embarrass their human friends? Still, a certain connection seemed to form with those three... for the wrong reasons, it seemed...

Linfel looked at all of that and mentally sighed. 'Horan, just where have you gone... If I'm truly in the future, could it be you aren't around anymore?' He still couldn't forget the man who changed his life, his old friend.

"The last Familiar can enter the testing area," the worker continued with the test.

Linfel quickly pushed those thoughts aside and entered the testing area. The first test, obviously, was the Magic Density Test. "Can I start?"

"One second..." the worker requested. "Alright, it's ready now."

Linfel nodded and circulated his Magic Energy. He wasn't used to the Magic Energy of this world yet, so he tried to make the circulation look as smooth as possible. His dense yellow Magic Energy, cleansed through his Wisp core, appeared. It gave the impression he was a High-Grade Familiar.

The worker looked at that and nodded. 'That's certainly a nice magic circulation...' He thought for a moment. If he knew Linfel had started using Magic Energy less than 24 hours ago, he probably would have fallen from his chair.

-Magic Density Score: 73-

Julia, Romario, and their Familiars were taken aback. That was a huge result!

As for Alvin and Felia, they only sighed. They knew Linfel was completely new to Magic Energy, so such a result seemed more like a fairy tale to them. Not that it mattered anymore.

'73?' Linfel looked at that number. He still felt like his magic density was pretty inferior compared to what he could do with primordial energy in the past. Yet, it still gave him a very high result.

The worker was impressed, but it wasn't like he hadn't seen such results before, so he continued. "Alright, very good score, but we need the other results as well." The same targets appeared all around the room, floating in random directions just like before. "Same thing. Concentrate a little Magic Energy and shoot it at the targets. You can start now."

Linfel pondered for a moment. He obviously had no issue controlling his Magic Energy since he could merge it perfectly with Alvin. "Do I have to shoot one by one?"

Felia and Alvin heard that and had a bad premonition.

"Not really," the worker answered. "But if you try to hit more than one at once, you will have to divide your focus. Remember, if you miss a target, it will affect your score even if you hit it during the next shot, so I recommend taking the safe path."

As soon as the worker finished his words, Linfel's Magic Energy transformed into hundreds of Magic Energy Bullets. In the next second, they shot out all at once!

Pin, pin, pin, pin, pin...

Every single magic Bullet hit the target's bullseye! The clock started when the first shot was made, and it stopped when time ran out, or the targets were all destroyed. The result?

Time Remaining: 02:59!

"Holy Shit!" Romario exclaimed, shocked.

He obviously wasn't the only one. Julia, Calisbin, and Danil were even more so. No, the one with the greatest expression was, in fact, the worker controlling the test. 'What kind of monster is this?!'

It wasn't like there weren't Familiars who couldn't perform what Linfel just did. However, such Familiars were usually at least Level Three, capable of using Brown Magic Energy!

Of course, the test equipment didn't care about anything like that and simply showed the results.

-Magic Control Score: 100-

Linfel nodded, satisfied. 'My magic density is subpar, but my magic control is still good. I need to adapt faster to the Magic Energy of this world before anyone finds out I'm a wisp.'

Felia and Alvin wanted to cry. If he truly wanted to hide the fact he was a wisp, wouldn't it be better to hold back a little?

The worker came back to himself. Regardless of how monstrous Linfel's Magic Control was, he had to carry out the test impartially. "Ahem! Alright, not bad, not bad. Now, onto the next test."

Soon, the same magical diagram wall appeared near Linfel.

'Hm?' However, Linfel noticed that Alvin was doing something not far away.

Alvin's hand gestured downward as his mouth moved, seeming to be trying to say something. 'Hold it down, hold it down...' If Linfel got a very low score on this next test, his average result would still not be anything too ridiculous, so Alvin was trying to warn him to hold back.

Linfel wasn't exactly very good at reading lips, though. 'Uh? Down? What is down?' He looked under himself, but there was nothing there. 'Ah!' Then, he finally understood. 'Take it down! I see! I have to take it down! Alright, let's see if I can take it down.' Or perhaps he didn't understand anything at all...