Not Zero

By the time they were back, the night was already giving space to daylight. Claus came down from the vehicle with Linfel and the others before passing his orders. "Falagita, bring everyone back to our tent. If any of you are injured, make sure to pay a visit to the medics. Otherwise, GO SLEEP! Things are only getting more tense from now on." Right after, he left. He had to report everything that happened during the last battle.

"Before that, we need to eat," Falagita smiled and brought them to the cafeteria. Everything there was nutritious but very simple. Not that Alvin cared about it. Only Milia was used to expensive food and things like that.

Only after filling their bellies did they finally return to the tent as Claus mentioned. 

Alvin instantly collapsed on one of the beds there and fell asleep. Milia wasn't much different, quickly passing out. That only left Linfel and Nori awake with Falagita and her Familiar.