A well earned break

Artie hadn't taken time to actually stroll through and appreciate the garden since she'd been stabbed and first arrived here. In fact, she would barely consider that as her appreciating the garden since the spirits had interrupted her with their annoying chatter. 

But…she understood why people took others on dates here. 

It was gorgeous. The flowers were in full bloom. Birdsong filled the air, and the scent of fresh flowers, grass, and the buzzing of pollinators filled the air. The sunlight wasn't too harsh, and there were several little spots where one could take a break and sit down to just enjoy the space. 

Artie was quite pleased with the courtyard even if she felt a little out of place. What didn't help that feeling was everyone who saw her paled and immediately dropped into a bow. It made Artie feel like a jerk since everyone's cute date was turning into an impromptu greeting of their new King.