I'm here too

Artie had been fine walking on her own, absorbed in her own thoughts until Lord Bernard had noticed, and making his son's leave him alone, he turned to Artie and had her escort him to their destination. Artie was surprised, but at the same time, quite grateful for his attention. The others stared at them, but that wasn't too big of an issue, and Artie got along very well with the elderly. 

She especially liked Lord Bernard's voice, as it was low, deep and nice to listen to. It reminded her of her own Father, and it was nice to have his warm, solid grip on her elbow as she escorted him to a place he had no doubt been to before, but under different circumstances. 

Lady Elaine and Sir Tristian had moved behind them, Sir Tristian doing so because it was his job, but Lady Elaine joining him because she was clearly keeping an eye on her. Artie wanted to shake her head at her antics, but at the same time, didn't mind. She found it…amusing.