Chapter 5: Plagiarized!

Chapter 5: Plagiarized!

Hugie was beyond surprised. At the start of their class, it took two hours to complete the introduction. 

But after that, it was as though his friend was possessed by a spirit. Eden's comprehension speed had skyrocketed. 

Half of the book was completed in a single day! This was no joke. 

This half of the book was akin to half of the first year. Crazy! 

"Who are you?! What did you do to my friend?!" Hugie exclaimed playfully.

"Ha, I'm an evil transmigrator who possessed your friend's body!" Eden replied jokingly. His mood was really good, especially looking at those lottery points.

[Lottery Points: 15]

'Attributes,' he called inwardly.

[Name: Eden]

[Age: 18]

[Fame: 3]

[Life Span: 29]

[Literature: 5]

[Music: 14]

"And that ends today's class," Hugie said as he looked outside the window. The sun had already sunk down.

Eden nodded as he stood up.

"Damn, my legs are so numb. You were so hard on me today, teacher~"

"Hey, that sounds too wrong. I'm not into men." The two of them got busy in their usual bickering before Hugie finally gave up.

"By the way, isn't Rising Star starting a month later?"


"The music section... Erm, do you know how to enter it? A friend of mine wishes to participate in it."

"A friend of yours? Bro, do I look like a 3-year-old to you? Do you think my brain is made of maggots?"

"You wish to participate in Rising Star?" Hugie asked in surprise. Last year, he had tried to persuade this friend of his to join Rising Star. Unfortunately, he wasn't successful in doing so.

"But your composing skills... Don't you think that you'll fail in the first reviewing round itself?"

"Well, I wish to participate once." Looking at his friend's determined look, Hugie smiled.

"That's the spirit. If you feel like you're stuck at some part, then do consult me."

"It will basically be conducted online, at least the first part."

He knew that Eden's composing skills weren't passable, judging from his theoretical knowledge. But sometimes, music went beyond knowledge. 

Sometimes it was all about passion. He had seen cases of some people with zero theoretical knowledge coming up with some of the best rough drafts, drafts that just required a few edits, polishing, and an expert composer's tool (vocalist).

'Maybe his passion has re-ignited. Maybe inspired, who knows I might wake up to the news of his composition becoming rank 1.' Hugie chuckled inwardly. He was just happy to see Eden feeling motivated to write a song. Of course, he would be a best friend without giving positive teasing.

"If you require any help, do call me. Right now, I have to attend to a few business matters."

"Alright." After Hugie walked out of the room, Eden walked towards the chair, sitting on it. Opening the laptop, he entered the password.

Indeed, these two novels were actually popular online novels in his past life.

He had plagiarized them before receiving the system. The New Beginning was actually the famous "The Beginning After the End," "Coiling Dragon," and finally the legendary novel, "Lord of the Mysteries."

And Eden could say this definitely: he had f*cked up each one of them.

For The New Beginning, he had completely changed Arthur's character in the middle of the novel. Somehow, he ruined the war arcs and killed the MC in chapter 375. In chapter 376, the MC resurrected by some bullsh*t plot armor.

And this wasn't the worst one. In Dragon that Coiled, the story went south halfway. Writing based on his instincts, he made it so that the spirit in the dragon ring became the villain, possessed the MC, who turned into a dragon that coiled the world.

He tried to copy Stormlight Archives but then went against the idea.

And finally, Mysteries of the Lord, the abomination of abominations, originally copied from the legendary Lord of the Mysteries.

The entire LotM and COI, the 2nd book were copied by him. Somehow he managed to fit all the story in those 246 chapters; at the end, all the Outer Gods attacked, everyone died, including the MC who was still sleeping in the foggy world.

He had even planned to copy Reverend Insanity; he had planned to do it this month.

But the system wouldn't allow him to do so.


[Plagiarized Content spotted]

[1st Warning issued]

[If plagiarized contents are spotted in future, then the 2nd warning will be issued with the note of removing the content]

"I see. What about the third strike?"

[The final strike in which even the alias or the user ID has to be deleted]

"You won't electrocute or beat me up after that, will you?"

[Negative. The System doesn't believe in violence]

"Phew, wait, you won't take the measly sum that I earn, right?"

[Negative. The System doesn't believe in violence]


[The system will unalive the host]


"You will kill me?"

[Incorrect. The system will unalive the host.]

"Can't deal with this nonsense." Eden massaged his head.

At that second, he spotted the latest comment. "Let's see my little fan."

On the latest chapter of The New Beginning, he could see the comment section filled with:

His writing skills were so trash that no one read it except this guy Amon. The person who read every single one of his novels. All his earnings came from this guy alone.

His actual name was Theo. They had actually met before.

Star City was really small; fate always worked in strange ways. In the end, it had turned out that this friend of his was studying in the same academy, a vocalist. He was also a shy rich kid.

This author's page was something similar to Patreon from Earth but just for authors.

He required some cash for what he was about to do. After successfully begging his fan, Eden turned his attention towards the system.