Chapter 10: Clean Freak

Chapter 10: Clean Freak

"Dreams of love and light, they slip away, Like echoes of the dawn at the break of day. In every whispered breeze, in every silent tear, I feel the weight of time, and it draws me."

Theo's body heated up as he sang the last paragraph. To him, this was probably the first time he sang a song with such excitement.

"...Oh..., the winds of sorrow, they howl and moan, In this storm of life, I stand alone. Each step I take, the road unwinds, A puppet to the strings of the passing time."


"...Helpless against fate's cold, relentless hand, Lost in the current, swept from the sand. No matter how I fight, I can't escape, Bound by the chains of an unyielding fate."

"Memories of a life I once knew, Flicker like candles in a storm's view. Faces of loved ones, voices now hushed, Fade into the mist, dreams turn to."

"In the stillness, I hear a distant call, A whisper from the past, a ghostly thrall. It tells of hopes that once burned bright, Now extinguished in the endless night."


"Every choice I've made, every path I've crossed, Leads me back to this, to what I've lost. The mirror shows a soul weathered and worn, A heart that's been shattered, a spirit torn..."

"And as the final curtain starts to fall, I find solace in the night, a silent thrall. Helpless and resigned, I fade away, Into the depths of fate, where I must stay..."

This song had flaws, undoubtedly, even more flaws than the songs created by those newbies. However, it felt as though the writer had poured all his emotions into the draft. It was as though the composer was suffering greatly, tossed from one place to another, toyed by fate itself.

Some parts were immersion breakers, but overall, this was a good draft.

Taking a deep breath and calming himself down, Theo looked towards Eden, who was still seated on the chair, speechless.

'Did he think his song was bad? Listening to it, he's in awe?' Theo wondered. Both of them stared at each other for a minute before Eden broke the silence.

"Ermm... So should I start the music again?"

"???" The look of confusion that was already on Theo's face deepened even further.

"I guess you weren't ready yet."

"Why do you look confused? Wait a minute, do you think..." A look of realization flashed through Eden's eyes. He was enlightened.

"Ha, let's just clear the confusion. Here, listen to the recording of you singing."

When the song started, Theo's lips started twitching.

The mechanical humming along with the tune, that wasn't as rigid as synthesized sound, appeared smooth and natural. As for the lyrics part, there were none.

"Did you forget to record?"

Eden's eyes twitched. Looking at Theo, he could clearly make out that the poor lad wished to say something but was speaking inwardly.

Till now, Eden didn't find it odd that the brown-haired fellow was quiet. After all, he was a shy punk. Maybe it was because they both had not met each other for quite some time.

Theo looked somewhat confused, but a second later, he too realized what had happened. And the moment he did so, his face turned red.

Eden was speechless.

Someone like him really exists? It feels like his introvertedness manages to penetrate the fourth wall, sigh...

"Be seated, let me bring something for you. Then we'll continue."

The clean freak sluggishly nodded as Eden stood up and walked towards his bed, removing his secret stash of beer.

They were mostly cans as bottles could shatter easily. Medium-sized, holding 550 ml of beer in them.

One at least needed to drink 500 ml of beer within an hour to get intoxicated. There was more than enough within this can.

After the medium-sized can, he also took out a small-sized can holding 230 ml of liquor.

'Ahem, should I give this to him? Should I really give this to him?'

'Should I really do it? The last time he drank it...'

-To give him the beer or to not give him the beer, that's the question.-

Eden genuinely feared what the results would be when Theo drank this beer.

That clean freak absolutely hated alcohol, cigarettes, etc.


Eden instantly turned around. "Want some beer?"

"Ah... Ah... Ah..."

Theo was a big fan of beer. In fact, to justify it, he didn't even consider beer to be alcohol; as a clean freak, this was his guilty pleasure.

In fact, today this was the first time Theo had made some kind of sound other than him talking on the phone.

"Beer?! Of course, I want some! It's been so many days since I drank one!"

He followed the code of rule set up in his apartment of not drinking within the confinement, while also following the rules of the academy of any inhabitant of the dorm drinking within.

'I'm not an inhabitant, am I?' He thought of this inwardly, while simultaneously stretching his hand to get his beloved juice.

Seeing this, Eden was once again hesitant but finally allowed the stretched hand to get a hold of the medium-sized beer can.

'Haa, f*ck it!' Eden cursed inwardly as he too popped the lid of his can, chugging it.

A burning sensation erupted within his throat, but he wasn't much bothered by it.

But the sound of Theodore gulping the drink was akin to the screams of a demon from hell, warning him.

'Haa, nothing bad will happen. Nothing bad will happen. Nothing bad will happen.' Eden consoled himself as he drank a quarter of the can before placing it on the table.

On the other hand, it appeared as though Theodore had finished most of the can in the same span of time.

Once a person is intoxicated, they lose their rationality, they start blurring all kinds of bullsh*t under the influence of alcohol.


When this guy called Theodore gets intoxicated...

All hell breaks loose...

[A/N: The Author Doesn't promote drinking or smoking]