Chapter 12: Punishment

Chapter 12: Punishment

In the main building of the Academy, Dean's office...

They called this area the "Underworld." The person beyond the doors was the owner of this "Underworld," the person who won "Master of Arts" five times. The one who was aiming for the Golden Spirity Awards that would come in two years.

"Undying." In the world of Arts, this was his alias.

And today, two poor souls were being tormented in his office.

"Haa..." Eden didn't even dare to breathe in the presence of this anomaly.

The man in his mid-forties had sharp eyes and a neatly maintained beard. His black hair paired with his blue eyes increased his charisma.

A famous actor, who almost won the previous Grand Spirity Awards. A famous musician who won Master of Arts twice, Literature Master of Arts once, and Painting Master of Arts twice.

The Hades of this Underworld, Dean Victos Morals, looked at the students in front of him.

Indeed, Victos, the name of the third great emperor from the Food Era.

Anyways, he looked at the two shit-flinging monkeys in front of him, his eyes twitching.

"Eden Spencer... Theodore Shawn... Sigh, both of you are good kids. What suddenly enlightened you both to drink within the campus? What broadened both of your vision?"

"Sigh, back in our days, after traveling several miles to reach our campus, we didn't even dare to think of something even slightly inappropriate. Or we'd be beaten to death. Sigh, nowadays kids..."

'That's why we were so secretive. If you wish to drink, at least conceal it properly. Sigh, nowadays kids...' he added inwardly.

As he looked towards Eden, his gaze to some extent softened. He pitied the young lad.

Eden Spencer was someone who got into the academy with 50% of the fees waived off. He was a young prodigy in the fields of music, a young man filled with passion for music.

His innate talent was great.

And yet, in the end, he fell before he could even take off.

His wings were cut off before he could see the world, follow his passion and dreams.

Colitres... One of the deadliest diseases that not only affected a person physically but also mentally.


Poor lad...

He must've blamed himself for the suffering of his family...

He then slowly shifted his gaze, looking at Theodore Shawn, who became nervous.

Victos's eyes instantly sharpened as his gaze hardened.

This young lad...

Someone who belonged to a rich family, from foreign lands. More specifically, he was from the continent of Aleres, the land of imaginations.

He was actually quite the talented vocalist, at least when it came to theory.

Victos had never seen this punk sing. Indeed, he stayed true to his nerdy and introverted appearance...

"Sigh..." Victos once again sighed, trying to get rid of the fatigue within him.

"I don't even have the energy to scold you brats. Since we have a policy against drinking within the vicinity of the campus, some actions will be taken against you both."

"Yes sir," Eden said respectfully while Theo just nodded nervously.

"First of all, both your legal guardians will be notified, and you both will have to clean all the instruments of the music rooms. Also, you both will have to visit the counseling and educational program for five days. Got it, boys?"

"Yes sir!"


"Alright, now go."

Eden and Theodore stood up, somewhat disheartened by the punishment, but they both knew that it could've been worse.

The Dean was actually somewhat lenient towards them.

"Well, I'll see you after class."

"Un, alright sir." This time they both actually talked through text since Eden found this was easier.

They both quickly parted ways, walking towards their own classes.

The moment Theodore opened the door to his class, all the gazes were on him.

Some were silently giggling, some were looking at him with mockery in their eyes, while others had expressions as though they were looking at a shit-flinging monkey.


'I really f*cked up yesterday, didn't I?'


A similar situation occurred when Eden tried to enter his class.

All of them had their eyes fixated on him.

But something unexpected occurred too.


[You managed to bring the class's attention, reminding many of last night's incident. Your fame has increased.]

[+1 Fame]


[Reward(s): +5 lottery points, +2 level up cards, Talent: Actor - Level Up!]

Eden was dumbfounded!

Increase in fame?!


Level up cards?!

He couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

'Will an increase in fame give me such rewards?'

[Positive. But if the host wishes for similar rewards in the future, then a large sum of fame is required. For 1 fame point, small rewards will be given from future.]

'I see, so I got the large rewards because this was my first time getting fame after attaining the system...'


Once again, the mechanical voice erupted within Eden's mind.

[You managed to make the atmosphere awkward and creep them out with your smile. Your fame has increased.]

[+1 Fame]

[Reward(s): +1 Lottery Point]

"Ahem." At that second, the teacher within coughed.

"I think you should enter. Or you may go to the infirmary if you're not feeling well."

"No problem, miss... I'm alright." Eden said respectfully before obediently sitting in his seat.

Others were ignoring him as though he was a rat carrying the plague.

Hugie wasn't here either; instead, he was in the practice room. After all, he had passed 'that' test. On top of that, it would just waste his time.

He was way ahead of his peers.

'Haa, sigh.' Eden once again sighed inwardly as he looked at the sky through the window.


"Haa, today was so tiring, wasn't it, Mr. Coin."


The message was instantly sent to Eden. Looking at it, he nodded.


'Indeed, a clean freak,' Eden thought within his mind. They both had divided the instruments amongst themselves, half to be cleaned by him and the other half by Theo.

However, the monster managed to clean his share of work within 30 minutes. While it took Eden two hours.

All three main instrument rooms had been cleaned.

"Haa, I have to quickly finish the song..." Eden sighed.

But before that, they had to visit the hour-long counseling session set up on alternate days.