Chapter 29: The Midnight Show [Part 5]

Chapter 29: The Midnight Show [Part 5]

He came that prepared?

Rick couldn't help but question. The suit that the man was wearing could be described as versatile in the world of acting.

If he had received the role of a normal office worker, he could simply remove the coat, tuck out the shirt, and make a mess out of his appearance.

If it was a gangster, similar adjustments could be made. Of course, one or two extra costume traits would be required to match the role.

Such one or two things for the hundreds of roles were fitted inside the tight bag.

'...Of course he had to come prepared. To make up for his acting skills...' The next second, he scoffed once again.

He watched as Blank walked towards the guards, entrusting his belongings to them, taking a picture as proof, making a small verbal agreement that was recorded on the phone, giving them twenty dollars... What the f*ck is he doing?!

"It'll be our turn in a few minutes! Come quickly!" His eyes once again dangerously narrowed.

Most of them present there were nervous, especially with teammates that were mostly strangers.

This was a nerve-racking moment in their life...


Rick closed his eyes, still feeling the vibration. The area was mostly dark, as a result of this part being backstage.

"Team No.7! I repeat Team No.7!"

"Let's go!" Some were still frozen in their place, too dumbfounded to walk.

The tremor woke their sleeping legs. As they walked towards the stage, most of them couldn't help but tremble.


Rick wished to facepalm right now.

What kind of amateurs are these... I'm pretty sure that most of them have already forgotten their lines...

I just hope that they select us on the basis of individual skills and not on the basis of our coordination as a group...

As he was walking, from the corner of his eyes he saw a few contestants bursting into tears, some even cursing the judges inwardly.

Don't tell me... These are the kinds of judges that like to ruin the complete mood of the group... The ones who say the harshest words.

"Brother. Don't worry, I know that you'll definitely win! There's no one better than you in this whole competition! I know that you'll be the future superstar! I am honored to breathe the same air as you do!"

And yeah, this idiot. If I could, I would smash his head into bits and pieces!

Unfortunately, that was illegal...

Dao of Bootlicking? Blank slowly rubbed the mask, around the forehead.

Right now he couldn't get himself busy with these idiots. He had to remember everything he had learned.

Although it looked like he had wasted his entire given time scrolling on D—Shorts, in actuality he was...

Instantly, bright light suddenly entered their vision, blinding them for a few seconds.

Judge Arnold Maxwell...

Judge Alisa Hitslon...

Judge Steve Milestia...

The devil Judge Maxwell...?

Rick felt chills traveling through his spine.

This was the man famous for making thousands and thousands of participants cry.

He used to be a famous composer and a well-known local actor a decade ago. However, his career slowly disappeared like his manners and receded like his hairline.

Other than them, even the other two judges had an aura of their own.

"I would like to welcome all of the contestants on the stage. We'll get to the introduction part later, for now, let's jump into the juicy part."

Maxwell squinted his eyes.

I don't quite like him...

He is the kind of person who is arrogant... His body clearly tells that...

"Alright, sir!" It was Rick who stepped forward, acting as though he was the leader of the group.

I don't like him...

Simultaneously, Steve Milestia leaned back in his chair too, his feelings directed towards the masked actor.

In fact, he hated most of the masked actors...

But for now, he decided to focus on the act that would start.

The lights turned off...

. . .




With each subtle click, a light of small diameter was focused on the stage, more specifically on three people.

Elon Pusk: First Waiter

Rick Mory: The Male Lead Mortice Brize

Bormis: Second Waiter

Judge Alisa watched his actions intently.

Maxwell straightened up from leaning against the back of his chair and leaned forward.


The play began, and the BGM began.

The man huddled on the stage slowly lifted his head.

"Home, at last..."

Alisa's smile vanished at the first line.

It wasn't because of the dialogue but because of his body language...

Actions speak louder than words...

The man had worn an old-looking coat.


The actor hunched on the stage raised his head.

Sadness reflected in his eyes...

His monologue was just about to start, but then...

"Sir... Would you like a drink? T-the red one... Represents... The blue one... Love... Hatred..."

The beautiful immersion and connection set up between the judge and the actor instantly shattered into bits and pieces.

It wasn't just because of the nervousness of the other actor...

"He's talented. We should recruit him. Don't y'all think?"

"Now, now, it's too early. But I'm impressed. Even though the script is extremely bad, at a child's level, he managed to immerse us into the character purely with his acting skills." Judge Alisa said.

"Impressive." Maxwell nodded. "However, I'm more interested in the masked actor..."

Steve's face hardened. After all, recently in Master of Arts, he had lost against a masked actor...

Haa, why act if you have to hide your face?

Facial expressions are of most importance...

An actor has to use everything in his arsenal...

I'll just uplift everyone else... A masked actor is not a real actor...

At this point, he wasn't even focusing much on the act going on, just cursing masked actors inwardly.

"Ermm... I... Forgot..." No, this wasn't in the script. The heavenly bootlicker had really forgotten his line.

It was at this moment that the BGM suddenly stopped.

Two other lights disappeared.

An interested smile appeared on Maxwell's face.

In the silence, the sound of rhythmic footsteps resonated.