Chapter 32: Marketing

Chapter 32: Marketing

"Man, today was a tiring day..." Twisting the key, Eden unlocked the door to his dorm, spotting Hugie who was cleaning the room.

"Hmm? Did you not sleep last night? Aww~ I never knew you're that kind of yandere."

In response, Hugie made a disgusted face.

"Mm? The room seems to be cleaner than usual... Wait, where did most of our gadgets go?!"

"Ours? You mean mine?"

"Same thing. No, it's not the time to fight, did a thief steal them?"

"Nah, I packed most of them in my suitcase. Left some for use till the end of this month."

"What? But why?"

"We'll get to that part later. First, you tell me, why's your mood so bad?"

"What do you mean?"

"You lost?"

Eden dragged himself, sitting on the couch, taking a long breath. "Yeah."

"I see."

He really wished that he had his piece of cigar right now.