Chapter 7- Av13 Serum

After putting the medicinal bottle back into her handbag, Myung-hee turned to leave as she got what she came for.

However, something suddenly came over her.

"If I can't work on this, why should anyone else?"

A ridiculing smile appeared on Myung-hee's lips before she turned back to the table and flipped over the metal tray.

With a loud clatter, the pills went scattering everywhere, but Myung-Hee found them one by one and stomped on them with her heels. By the time she was finished her feet were in pain.

She then finished it off by flipping over the table as well, causing a mess in the entire room.

Walking out of a separate room, Myung-hee felt that her anger hadn't subsided. Looking around for a moment, she grabbed a Bunsen Burner and after looking through a row of glass cabinets she took out several vials.

She then threw those vial bottles on the ground shattering them. Then lit the Bunsen Burner and threw it onto the ground.

Immediately, the liquid inside the bottle caught on fire and soon spread throughout the room.

Before she left, Myung-hee did one final thing. She looked through a cabinet of documents and found one that was titled Av13 Serum.

Taking out her phone she hurriedly took pictures of the pages before she threw the document into the fire.

She then left, but not before looking back with a small smile on her lips as the room went up in flames.

"Let's go! Everyone out! Everyone out!"

At the entrance of the HBTR Labs, Myung-hee was seen moving through the rushing crowd.

As she exited the building, she saw police cars and fire trucks parked out front.

Suddenly, exclamations of shock swept across the crowd and a few people pointed at the billowing smoke and flames coming from a section of HBTR Labs.

"FOOL!! I thought you said this was a false alarm!!"

"It was!"

"Right, right, but then what the hell am I looking at?!!"

A firefighter could be heard yelling at an old security guard before he turned and addressed his crew.

"Everyone be prepared to go in and get the hose ready, NOW!!"

In the middle of all the noise and chaos, Myung-hee was seen twisting and turning as she moved through the crowd of people.

"Excuse me, ma'am! Ma'am, excuse me!"

Myung-hee jumped as a security guard grabbed her shoulder.

"I'm sorry ma'am but would you come this way, please."

The security guard motioned to an area to the side where people with bags were being searched.

Fixing the handbag around her shoulder, Myung-hee said defensively.

"What for? Are you people seriously doing this in the middle of a crisis?"

"I'm sorry ma'am but it was ordered by the Lab Chief."

Hearing that, Myung-hee only hesitated for a brief moment before she headed over to where everyone was being checked.

After some time, she was next in line. At the front, Madelyn was standing by the side with an apprehensive look on her face. Meanwhile, the security guard next to her was searching through a male worker's computer bag.

Seeing that nothing was in the man's bag Madelyn dismissively waved her hand and said.

"You're free to go."

As Myung-hee stepped up next, Madelyn saw her, and she took the initiative to approach her.

"Oh my god, Myung-hee are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?"

Madelyn's expression was full of worry as she came up to Myung-hee and hugged her.

"I'm not hurt, I'm fine."

"That's good to hear. You don't mind being searched, right? I can't let something that isn't supposed to leave this lab be taken away by someone."

"No-no, of course not, I understand this is standard procedure."

Myung-hee said reassuringly, but in her chest, her heart was beating wildly causing loud thuds to echo in her ears. She happened to glance towards the Swat Team that were off to the side fully armed with guns.

From the fact that they were here, it showed just how important this place was to someone high up in the government.

Myung-hee handed her bag to the security guard doing checks.

The guard wasted no time opening it and taking out the contents before placing them on a table close by.

Soon, the brown pill bottle appeared in the security guard's hand.

Myung-hee's breath hitched in her throat as the security guard asked with a serious expression.

"What's this?"

Madelyn to the side saw the pill bottle and hurriedly spoke up.

"Oh, it's your son's pills. It's alright, she has permission from me to take those when she needs to."

Turning away from the guard to Myung-hee, Madelyn asked.

"How is your son by the way? Have the pills been helping him?"

Myung-hee took her handbag the security guard handed back to her before she smiled and responded.

"It's working for the most part, if only he remembers to take them at school."

Madelyn smiled at that before saying.

"That pill was developed to treat children diagnosed with schizophrenia early on. We speculated that the drug would be more effective when the illness is developing in children at an early age. However, such an illness is unpredictable and could be caused by several factors even as an adult. We're still looking into the problem, but I'm glad your son is getting the help he needs since calls were coming in saying it wasn't treating people who hadn't developed it at an early age. So, I guess your son is lucky in some twisted way."

Myung-hee, hearing the concern Madelyn showed for her son, smiled a genuine smile and said.

"Thank you, Madelyn. For everything you've done for me and my family."

Madelyn softly rubbed Myung-hee's shoulder in a comforting manner and went to speak, but a firefighter suddenly approached the area in a hurry.

"Ms. Evergreen, the section of the facility has been confirmed. It's the north wing section."

Hearing that, Madelyn's face immediately drained of blood and a frantic expression appeared on her face.

"No-no-no-no, this can't be happening!"

Madelyn rushed past the firefighter to go see for herself the damage done to the lab.

After watching Madelyn leave, Myung-hee hefted her handbag up her shoulder before she turned to walk towards the parking lot where her car was.