Blurring the Lines

Leonor wasn't sure how much time had passed but the swords flying before her were enough to keep her engaged. 

Not wanting to interrupt their practice, she often put her hands over her mouth so she wouldn't gasp or cry out in pure shock. Much more overwhelming, however, was the smell of Valerio surrounding her as she wore his cloak. Coupled with the view of his lithe muscles flexing each time he braced or swung a sword, she felt a bit dizzy. 

When had the kind, mild-mannered man she spent many evenings with become so masculine and frightening? He was beautiful when he was holding still. While he showed his pure strength he became alluring. She was as terrified of him as much as she was enthralled. 

Her feelings for him were bursting at the seams, but she knew she could never burden him with them. He would gain nothing from her feelings. He didn't deserve what her father would do if he ever caught wind of her feelings. 

All Valerio did was work hard and be her friend yet her heart became greedy at the first positive attention cast her way. She felt like a fish captured in a net. Valerio's kindness was pulling her to him and she was allowing it to, knowing it would be bad for her eventually. 

As the sparring progressed, it was clear who was the better swordsman. Valerio easily evaded the other man's blade. Only a few times did the Prince manage to shock Valerio. 

However, they both became tired the longer they sparred and the Prince was first to show signs of giving in. 

Leonor's admiration for Valerio only grew. She wanted to find a flaw in him but he was a perfectly carved marble statue who somehow captured the warmth of summer in his personality. 

With their shoulders heaving and exhaustion setting in, the two bowed to one another and they brought their swords back to the shabby shed. Leonor was shocked they would keep the blades in a place like that but there was likely an explanation for everything. She didn't understand the situation well enough to ask questions. 

The two appeared before her once more and she noticed the Prince standing back so Valerio could take the lead. She didn't know if Prince Stephano was aloof or being polite.

"Shall we?" Valerio asked, removing his glove and offering his hand. "You're alright to walk that far once more?" 

Leonor took his hand and he helped her to her feet. 

"I'll be perfectly fine," she insisted. 

Although, as she sat there and watched, she knew her leg was a bit swollen. It would be quite the task to remove her boot once she was back in her room, but that was a problem she would handle later. 

Watching Valerio wield a sword set her heart ablaze and was worth any trouble she had faced that night. 

"Then I will take you to the manor before I escort his highness back to where he will be staying," Valerio decided. "Shall we?" 

The Prince walked ahead, deciding it better he not have to subject himself to whatever the two lovers might get up to as they walked together. He had already witnessed Valerio's demeanor change entirely in the lady's presence. He wasn't looking forward to more. 

Considering it was a path he had taken the past few nights, the Prince walked without looking backward. Valerio was more than capable of assuring the Count's daughter was safe. Even without a sword, he was a force to be reckoned with. 

Leonor offered to give Valerio his cloak but he told her to keep it for the time being since he was still feeling hot. 

The moment they stepped into the forest, Leonor jumped when she felt Valerio's hand find hers. Despite her shock, her thin fingers slid easily between his large ones and she felt his calloused palm press against hers. She was terrified and even more curious about him. 

She thought they had been getting to know one another for the past month but it felt like she had only just scratched the surface.

Leonor was disappointed when they reached the forest's edge and were in a dimly lit part of the township. She figured he would let go of her hand since the forest was more dangerous than the brick and stone streets. 

Yet she felt his fingers tighten against her hand when she started walking somewhat slower than him. His head turned towards her and his ruby eyes found her sapphire ones. A small smile was on his face.

"Are you alright?" he asked again. 

Leonor simply nodded and continued forward, joining him at his side so he wouldn't have to drag her. If he thought nothing of their handholding, she would try to do the same.

Her heart only worked in extremes. There was an itching that the moment might be the last time she could hold his hand. Her only option was to relish in his touch. In her lack of knowledge, she felt they behaved closer to a couple than two friends. 

However, she reminded herself that each time he touched her in the past was because he was helping her. It put a damper on her thoughts to have that realization. He was helping her back to the manor so she wouldn't get hurt along the way. 

Once they made it to the gate of Count Mikael's manor, the three peered through the metal grates, waiting for guards to leave the area as they went on their nightly patrol. 

When there was a prime opportunity, they all rushed forward, immediately going to the western side of the manor. The prince waited in the bushes he normally stood in, but Valerio and Leonor went ahead. 

They rushed towards Leonor's balcony. Underneath were large manicured bushes they could hide behind so the guards wouldn't see them.

"Did you climb down the vine?" Valerio asked, feeling impressed and worried all at once. 

Leonor nodded and he shook his head, but he wasn't disappointed. Finding Leonor sneaking away to see him had forced him to come to terms with something he had been dealing with for a while. 

"Goodnight, Valerio," Leonor said. "Thank you for walking me home." 

She began to turn but couldn't move because he wouldn't let go of her hand.

"Is something the matter?" Leonor asked quietly as she turned her head back to him. 

His once relaxed expression was full of anguish. There was a crease between his eyebrows as he stared down at her. He seemed burdened and Leonor wanted to ease his worries. 

"I don't talk to others often," Valerio began. "I spend most of my time thinking – imagining various scenarios. I've noticed lately that the majority of my thoughts revolve around you." He squeezed her hand. "I daydream of taking you away from this place and showing you tenderness for the rest of your life. Then I think about how hard you worked for your title and realize it's only me thinking such a thing."

Leonor felt terrified as he spoke. Her heart was in her throat and she couldn't take her eyes off of him. 

"What are you trying to say?" she asked quietly. 

"I'm not sure," he admitted. 

However, he further overwhelmed her with his presence as he stepped closer and his free hand went to her cheek. He realized he had lingered for too long trying to figure out what to say and she was cold.

The lady's honest face was blushing at the stablehand. 

For once Valerio decided to be selfish and he leaned in to kiss her slightly parted lips, hearing a sharp gasp upon impact. Immediately he felt like a bastard for having the audacity to steal a kiss from her when she wasn't expecting it. 

He pulled away but was shocked to feel her hand leave his. Both of her hands went to his face. She brought his lips back to hers and her fingers finally went to his light hair that she had been dying to touch since the first time she saw it.