Getting Used to Each Other

Leonor stood in the center of the room with her hands on the laces of her dress that would loosen it and allow her to get out of it. 

Unlike usual, she was wearing more structured dresses. Her waist was accentuated under tight layers and her bust was squeezed unnaturally. She had been given dresses and undergarments that supported this figure because the count was set on giving the duke a wife who was fashionable and proper rather than a wild mage who would certainly disappoint him. 

With a silent sigh, she gained the courage to remove her clothing and then undergarments and allow it all to fall onto the floor in a pile of light green and cream fabric. 

However, she didn't stay standing there in the nude for long. It was the first time she had been completely naked in the same room as a man. If he decided then to come unglued, she wouldn't have much of a choice to give in to whatever he wanted.