
Desmond's jaw clenched, but he managed to utter a "Good morning, Your Highness" before the hostility from the night before could return. The duke knew he was in the wrong and had to be on his best behavior. Stephano was holding such a great secret over his head. 

"You're quite energetic for someone who took their breakfast in their room this morning," Leonor uttered and took one last bite of her food before standing up, feeling bad she was sitting while the king was standing. 

Desmond seemed to have different sentiments and remained seated. 

"You've been under his enchantment before?" Desmond asked. 

He could connect the dots and understand why, but he didn't want to make more assumptions. It got him into trouble before. 

"I was hurt and he used his magic to help me," she admitted, a bit standoffish. 

She wondered why Stephano insisted on stirring up old feelings, not realizing it was his ploy to push the two of them together.