The Matches Begin

The following days of the festival went more smoothly than the first, in Leonor's opinion. She didn't drink herself silly or say anything to get her in trouble. She even secured a new coral beaded necklace with a beautiful gemstone at the center of it.

Desmond insisted she buy more, but she didn't want to be seen as someone taking advantage of her new husband's deep pockets. 

While she was looking forward to wearing her new necklace, she couldn't quite part with the locket even though it was far more shabby than something a duchess ought to wear. It comforted her to have hope as much as it felt ridiculous waiting for so long. 

The day after she drunkenly needed the duke's help, she panicked when she realized she hadn't healed the flower. However, seeing that it was intact when she opened the locket in private, she was relieved and instilled healing magic into the small bloom a few times throughout the day to make up for her mistake.