Sweeter than Dessert (R18)

For a woman to have their mother pass away during vital years of her life and a father who didn't care to fill in the gaps, Leonor's knowledge of the married life of women and men was reduced to things she read in passing. Perhaps dirty novels weren't the best way for her to learn about pleasure, but no one else would teach her so she had no other choice. 

She knew how to get pregnant and the mechanism of sex, but she wasn't entirely sure about the truth of the words she read in books. Pleasure seemed exaggerated. The books she read were for entertainment, even though she was using them to learn.

As Desmond came undone by her touch, she wondered if he could do the same thing to her. She found a man insistent on making her feel as good as she made him feel. 

However, Desmond's knowledge was much of the same.