Desmond raised his eyebrow at a child mage yelling at them. Bias seemed to be instilled in the Eirenguardian children from a young age, even the mages. The war that tore apart Eirenguard didn't happen within the girl's lifetime.
"They haven't done much yet," Quinn admitted. "But can you imagine the reward the kingdom would give Eirenguard if we were to be what saved this region of the world?"
"You've been blinded by Castille!" the girl argued.
"Shoo," Quinn said far more calmly than the girl. He also pushed her shoulders so she would fall into line with the others. "I'm the strongest mage here and we will do as I say. Otherwise, I could instill all of your magic into the stone and you'll simply be a regular, defenseless person while a dragon flies overhead."
The girl was in disagreement but she only glared at Quinn before falling back into line and huddling close to the other mages who were still hiding.