Winning the Outer Sect Competition


"It looks like I should finish things up here," Azmodeus declared with an apathetic tone, hiding a deep yearning for more strength beneath it.

After getting a good feeling for these new urges and feelings, he got up from his lotus position and looked toward all of the remaining participants, including Yang Cho.

And coincidentally, every single one of them also stared at him, almost like they were sure he was the true black horse in this competition, while Yang Cho was the originally predicted winner.

'That kid is surely hiding something, but what?? What is he hiding?? And why do I have this grating feeling that I would lose in a head-on confrontation with him???' Yang Cho thought with confusion as a slight hint of anger shone through his expression.


Azmodeus looked at all the predatory gazes focused on him, as he figured this would happen the moment that he displayed a fraction of his strength earlier.

But regardless of this newfound attention honed on him, his figure quickly blurred as nobody in either the spectator stands or the fighting arena was able to catch a glimpse of his speeding figure.

"!!!" "!!!"

Even the Outer Deacons were beyond shocked at the speed at which he was showing them.

However, Azmodeus cared not for hiding his strength anymore, as it would be easier to explain his strength being what it was now when he eventually made it to the Core Disciple Competition in three days.

After all, he could just sum up his increase in strength as being due to a fortuitous encounter that he luckily stumbled upon in the Yang Forest.

So in the end, there was no real point in concealing his strength when he would have to reveal it anyway.


He zipped around the fighting ring at a speed of dozens of meters per second as his figure became nothing more than a blur to all the mortals in the stands.


It almost seemed like sparks of electricity were crackling around him as he passed the remaining eight participants, making quick work of six Viscera Training Small Success and one Viscera Training Large Success Stage cultivators.

All that was left was the big guy who had given him an opportunity to obtain such a large improvement in his strength…

"I thank you for what you allowed me to acquire, but in the end, it really had nothing to do with you, so this is where we part ways…" Azmodeus spoke with a voice bereft of emotion, his fist already planting itself firmly into the stomach of the towering giant.

"Gugh!!" Yang Cho violently spat out blood as he was launched hundreds of meters away, turning into a human-shaped cannon as he made contact with the spectator stands.


He crashed into the wall, resulting in the reverberation of a loud explosion. After which, a stalwart figure fell flat first to the ground with froth leaking from his mouth.

"..." "..." "..." "..."

Everyone in the spectator stands and even the VIP stands went completely quiet at this display, as they didn't even have the words to express what they were feeling right now…


After a few seconds of pin-drop silence, the uproarious cheers of the arena started once more. They never would've expected that they'd be able to witness such an unbelievable sight from a simple Outer Sect Competition that they paid a few silver coins for!



Azmodeus looked up at all the fervish expressions as he realized that he might've gone a little overboard with the amount of strength he unleashed.

But regardless of his thoughts, the boisterous voice of the announcer soon sounded out:

"It looks like a completely unexpected event has occurred here tonight, boys and girls!! And with this surprise comes the winner of this month's Outer Sect Disciple Admittance Competition!"


After the words of the announcer sounded out, everyone within the spectator stands went even more wild! They were at a level of excitement never before seen in an Outer Sect Competition!

However, their cheers and laughter were interrupted by the announcer as he shouted, "The winner of the Outer Sect Admittance Competition, Azmodeus, will obtain a lowest-ranked Common level weapon and an Altering Muscle Refining Pill! Thereafter, he can attempt to breakthrough into the Altering Muscle Realm!"

Following this announcement, the spectators became even more wild and unruly, as just imagining possessing an Altering Muscle Pill was the dream of mortals and cultivators alike!

A few seconds after the winner was announced, everyone started leaving the stadium, followed by the appropriate rewards being allotted to those who placed well in the competition.

Of which, Azmodeus obtained the best rewards, as he not only acquired all of the aforementioned items, but he also found himself with a guaranteed spot as an Outer Disciple of the Yang Sect!

On top of that, he also had the choice to advance straight into the Top 100 of the Outer Sect, which would allow him to begin competing with the Sect disciples in the Viscera Training Large Success and Altering Muscle Stages!

On a side note, for those who were left as the last 8 standing, they would also be able to obtain a spot in the Outer Sect. However, only Azmodeus was able to acquire the other secondary rewards and the rocket straight up to the Top 100 of the Outer Sect.


A few hours quickly passed as a young boy around twelve years old leisurely strolled through the streets of Yang Sect. He viewed all the resplendent, colorful lights and the plethora of various establishments that lined the gray cobblestoned roads of the sect.

A multitude of people were walking from one location to another, while some were simply walking to walk. Of all of these unique characters, there were two who stood out most of all.

But at the same time, they also appeared to blend into the crowd like they weren't red, sore thumbs.

These two figures were the cloaked men from the Black Tiger Family, and they were also termed Shadows One and Two—deadly assassins who aimed to take a life today...
