5th Stage Qi Condensation Realm


A few seconds later, we make it back to the present period in time.


A young boy with long black hair and sharp eyes was seen bouncing from tree to tree while carrying a crying girl in his arms.

His legs were still healing up, but with a 4th Stage Qi Condensation Realm Cultivation Base, his regenerative speed had already reached a substantial level. It was enough that he was slowly but surely healing.

Regardless of the sounds that his cracked bones were making, Azmodeus continued jumping from tree top to tree top. He tried to dodge the eyes of all the Twilight Assassins that were spread out in the area.

He sent out all of his Mirror Mirages copies, taking out any Qi Condensation 2nd Stage and below cultivators. But anything beyond that level was basically impossible for the Mirror Mirages to beat in head-on confrontations.