You Mie, Senior Sister


"Did you not hear that this young master from the Rising Dragons Sect is looking to acquire this Spiritual Stone??" The young man from VIP booth number two shouted.

"I did." Azmodeus began with an apathetic tone.

"Then you should-"

"But I don't care," Azmodeus interjected with a voice bereft of emotion as he waited for the hostess to announce the results.

"3… 2… 1… And the distinguished guest from VIP booth 1 has obtained the Lowest-Ranked Spiritual Stone!" The hostess announced with an overjoyed expression.

After all, she would obtain quite a large commission from a purchase like this one!

She was going to throw a slightly flirtatious and grateful look towards the boy in VIP booth number one, but when she saw the death glare of the terrifying girl sitting beside him, she changed her mind and went right back to announcing the second item to be put on stage.