Sky-Rank Alchemist, The Path of Alchemy


A few days passed since Azmodeus started venturing into the path of Alchemy, and since then, he managed to obtain a multitude of comprehensions when it came to truly understanding the art of Alchemy.

Of which included increased batch quantity, now numbering over twelve pills per batch, and a far better success rate, as even Foundation Establishment Realm Pills had a success rate of around 35%!

If anyone in Prometheus had heard of such improvements being made in such short amounts of time, then even the strongest of Hegemony's would rush in this genius's direction, aiming to crack his skull open and see what lay inside!

Nevertheless, the genius in question was currently working on refining a Middle Foundation Establishment Realm Pill called the 'Spirit Refining Pill'.

It was a relatively straightforward pill, as its main purpose was to increase the overall amount of Condensed Qi within a Foundation Establishment Realm Master's Qi Cyclones.