The Crazy Yanderes, A Change

Chapter 85


Azmodeus had tried looking past the Introductory Section of the Timeless Immortal's Logs; however, whenever he tried to do that, he always blacked out, leaving Yang Hua and Nao Long quite worried every time he did it.

He inferred that this was likely caused by an information overload, and it was probably this phenomenon that interested the Outer Elder enough to keep this seemingly indecipherable booklet inside his personal storage ring.

However, this particular phenomenon was one thing that was eventually made clear for the Anomaly, as after looking at the jumbled words on the book's pages for long enough, they ultimately ended up organizing themselves without him even doing anything.

It was unknown how this peculiar occurrence worked, but it only benefited him, so he put it to the back of his mind and refocused on comprehending the book.