The Seven Reapers, Testing Battle Power

Chapter 100


"So, who are those shadows waiting outside the cave abode, Azmo?"

The pretty voice of a voluptuous dragon woman resounded as she looked to the cultivating man for answers.

"..." Azmodeus slightly opened up one of his eyes, only to see the dragon girl in an extremely lewd position, as her shirt might as well not have been there with how far back she was leaning on a nearby leather couch.

Nonetheless, he decided to teach her a lesson about decency later, as right now, those stalking figures were approaching the cave's entrance with no concern about whether their presence's were made known.

Are they not Assassin's…?

But if they aren't Assassins and they know of my approximate strength, then that must mean they're quite confident in their chances, huh?

He analyzed the situation with a discerning glint in his eyes as he got up from his lotus position and walked in the direction of the entrance.