More System Users...

Chapter 126


"..." "..."

The two original olden system users swiveled their faces toward a man who had been transported to this world a few thousand years ago, as they replied, "As you know, some system users possess the ability to stay in Prometheus even after reaching the Lunar Ascendancy Realm.

And with this unique quirk that some of us main characters have that the NPC's don't, there are some, like myself, who have been alive for hundreds of thousands of years, staying behind on this plane of existence as something akin to an Overlord at the cost of a lacking ascension.

What I'm trying to get at is the fact that some of us were not good with sitting still over the years, and with any further ascension barred off from us after we made our choices eons ago, a number of the Hero Association's older members have long since lost their sanity and have been known to hunt our own."