Solving The Spiritual Stone Issue

Chapter 166


Considering how big a step it was for one to breakthrough into the Lunar Ascendancy Realm from the Mahayana Realm, it was actually quite smart of Azmodeus to prolong his breakthrough for so long.

Furthermore, he wasn't the only one who had this train of thought, as Jue Mei had been thinking along these lines since the very beginning.

It was the same for the rest of the girls in the Heaven Exploding Cave Abode, as all of them were holding off on breaking through to the Lunar Ascendancy Realm. They amassed more combat power while waiting for Azmodeus to give the go-ahead for a breakthrough.

Due to this prolonged group session, every single one of the inhabitants of the Heaven Exploding Cave Abode had surpassed their realm in combat strength. Some of the more industrious ones like Rou Tian and Pan Nu achieved nearly 2 major realms above their own!