A Troublesome Situation...

Chapter 171


"But, Amonroth, you must stay! Pretty, pretty, please!?" Jia Lei was using all the cards in the book to get him to stay: the puckered lips, the puppy dog eyes, even the breast squeeze.

And with her already irresistible charm and appearance, it was enough to leave anyone at the whim of the divinely beautiful Duke's Daughter.

But unfortunately for her, Marquis Amonroth was no normal man, and he sure as hell was no simp.

"Listen, Miss Jia Lei, I ca-"

Jia Lei's eyes were about to tear up as she automatically assumed that she wasn't pretty enough for him.

However, before such a thought could be fully fermented inside her mind, the voice of the girl's father was transmitted inside the Marquis's mind:

'You must not decline my daughter's offer.'

'I shouldn't?' Azmodeus questioned with clear confusion in his voice.