A Breakthrough Is Nigh

Chapter 239


Approximately 3 months after Planet Lord Magnus was forced under the heel of the Crimson Emperor.

Inside a dazzling palace in the center of Kyros's Capital City.

"So, it's done?"

A raspy voice that sounded like the voice of the devil echoed out inside the palace's throne room as a man of unbelievable proportions sat atop his bone-covered throne, nonchalantly looking down at the kneeling servants.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty! Planet Lord Magnus, as well as Planet Lord Chronic and the others, have managed to get Planet Lord Marmom under your absolute rule!"

One of the servants stopped forth from among the crowd and answered the question voiced by his Emperor.


Azmodeus put his hand to his chin as he thought over his next course of action.

The transportation formation is ready… but it is unknown what I will meet upon making it to the Solar System of Valeria…