Retelling Of A Not-So-Distant Past

Chapter 259


{[Infinite World]} →

[Area width: 1 Galaxy]

[Upgrade Requirements: The Core of a 3 and a Half Layered Plane of Infinity]

[Rank of Residents: Primitive Mortal Lifeforms → Single-celled Organisms, Primitive Insects, Bugs, Small Birds, Fish, Large Birds, Dolphins, Large Fish, Monkeys, Large Reptiles, etc…]

[Advanced Mortal Lifeforms → Magma Fish, Lava T-Rex's, Fire Birds, Obsidian Devourers, etc…]

[Low Spiritual Lifeforms → Humans, Sea Leviathans, Lava Wyrms, World Eaters, Krakens, Embryonic Dragons, etc…]

[Time Dilation → 1:25,000]

[Qi Density → 10x that of the outside world] → [Continue upgrading in order to encroach upon the Qi Density of a higher plane of existence.]


"It's already become the size of a galaxy, huh?"

Azmodeus took another look at the Infinite World and was once again left amazed at its rate of evolution.