A Sudden Race Change!?

Chapter 265


"There is no need for all that, Harkath. Just promise me that you will guide this world and your descendants in the right direction. If you can do that, then I will be able to leave with peace of mind."

"You won't stay…? Not even for a few years?" Harkath spoke with a dejected tone, depression creeping up his expression.

"No… You may not understand, but from the world I come from, I still have some loose ends to tie up. However, I will leave half my existence cultivating in Pandora. But even with that, you must not know the location of this version of me."

God went on to describe all the complexities involved with the split existence that would remain in this Infinite World. By the end of his long-drawn-out explanation, Harkath nodded in understanding, still concealing a slight sense of sorrow.