Chapter 31.

Kim stood by, watching as everyone gathered around Meg, chatting and laughing at her stories and jokes. She was seething. Ever since Meg arrived, Kim had felt intimidated. Meg was so popular with the staff.

"Kim," Lana called, making her way to the garden. "What is it? Why are you standing here alone?"

"Nothing, Lana," Kim replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "I'm just not feeling all this crap." She motioned at Meg.

Lana raised an eyebrow, noticing the tension in Kim's expression. "You know, it's okay to feel that way. But why let it get to you?"

Kim sighed, glancing at the lively group surrounding Meg. "It's just... ever since she got here, everyone seems to adore her. It feels like I'm invisible now."

"Come on, Kim. You've always been a vital part of this team. Meg's new, and yes, she's popular, but that doesn't diminish your importance."

"Maybe," Kim mumbled, still not convinced. "But it's hard to ignore."