Not wanting to entangle with them, An Ke'an walked past them. The three of them had thought An Ke'an was going to lash on to Xu Yunxi, but were stunned in place when she passed by them without sparing another glance.

Xu Yunxi face darkened.

'What is she doing? Is this another scheme of hers?' Xu Yunxi thought as he felt rising anger.

It has been up to three month since An Ke'an talked to him, she didn't even send him money during those period. He had a lot of needs but she was absent and he couldn't get money to buy them. Especially things Qiao Yao needed, at this rate his position among his friends was going to fall.

Thinking of the resources he needed for the resumption of school, Xu Yunxi felt an headache. He wanted to confront her but Qiao Yao was with him, so he could only let her go.

Meanwhile Xu Jingxi felt uncomfortable, his brother might think An Ke'an's indifference was a scheme so that Xu Yunxi would pay attention to her, but he was aware that her indifference wasn't an act. She really doesn't have feelings for Xu Yunxi anymore.

To be honest, he had thought An Ke'an was unworthy of his brother, only when she became absent for three month did he figure it out. Without An Ke'an giving his brother gifts and money, their lives became noticeably hard.

Their mother Amelia Xu is a general of the first legion, she had always emphasized on frugality because of the current chaos in the empire. They were known as one of the top noble family in Xian empire. Though their family is rich, they can't spend money lavishly like other young masters.

If not for An Ke'an, Xu Jingxi wouldn't have known how poor both he and his brothers were. Now he is starting to regret insulting and bullying the girl.

Their current predicament was their own doings, any girl won't be able to bear it when your crush keeps collecting from you yet degrading you.

At this moment, Xu Jingxi suddenly had an idea. When it comes to looks, he is not inferior to Xu Yunxi. If An Ke'an can fall for his brother, it is not a problem for her to fall for him, right?

The only problem is that he is not into girls, but except from his family that knows about it, he never told anyone. All he had to do was seduce her and those resources that belongs to his brother will be his.

Thinking of implementing his plans once school resumes in the next four days, Xu Jingxi mood brightened unable to suppress the smile that was threatening to spill out.

Looking at Xu Yunxi and Xu Jingxi whose mood were clearly affected because of An Ke'an, Qiao Yao frowned. At first she didn't put any importance on An Ke'an because of her ugly makeup but now she felt threatened after her makeup has been removed.

When she first transmigrated to this world, her first target was Xu Yunxi and Xu Jingxi, but she found put that Xu Jingxi was gay, so she didn't bother with him anymore.

While trying to increase her favourability with Xu Yunxi an obstacle occurred, and that was An Ke'an. Qiao Yao became anxious because her rival was more beautiful and sophisticated than her. If this goes on she'd lose her body to the original soul.

Qiao Yao had to increase her favourability with the selected individuals chosen by the system or else she might end up as a wandering soul.

After racking her brain she decided to get close to An Ke'an, getting close to An Ke'an, Qiao Yao advised her that Xu Yunxi liked girls with heavy makeup, and the naive An Ke'an believed it.

Using An Ke'an stupidity, Qiao Yao successfully increased her favourability. Not only with Xu Yunxi but along with her classmates, which made her soul stable for the time being.

"System, have you successfully hacked into the central galactic system?" Qiao Yao asked in her mind as she pulled the sour Xu Yunxi along.

"Yes, but An Ke'an's information is classified as a top secret. It will take a while for me to open it." A mechanical voice sounded in Qiao Yao's head.

"How long?" Qiao Yao asked somewhat displeased. She had been waiting for this information on An Ke'an's identity for almost a year and now the system hasn't succeeded.

Qiao Yao had speculated a lot of examples regarding An Ke'an's identity. Only the royal family or the military has the right to lock an information. The conclusions she came about was that An Ke'an was an illegitimate child of the emperor.

In the Xian empire they are some men capable of giving birth, but they are characterised under female, if An Ke'an was really a child of the emperor she should have possessed the typical black hair and that's unless she was birthed from a female.

In all the current female in the royal family, none is old enough to give birth to An Ke'an, unless it is Prince Yuxin from the emperor generation. But she heard that Prince Yuxin's child was called Su Xingyu. And the poor boy was sold to an ugly old perverted man, so there's possibility that An Ke'an was Su Xingyu's child.

As for why her information was top secret, it was probably to hide her identity from the public, since her existence may be considered a stain to the royal family. After all, all the members of the royal family are known to the public.

Thinking of the fact that An Ke'an's father was someone of an ugly perverted five hundred years old man, Qiao Yao felt a sense of superiority.

"Give me a week and all her information would be found out." The mechanical voice sounded snapping Qiao Yao from her daze.

"Okay!" Hearing this, Qiao Yao was in a good mood. Sooner all the wealth and beauty An Ke'an had, would be hers.

An Ke'an had no idea she was being plotted against. She was currently looking at a scene with speechlessness written all over her face.

Luo Shiyi was having an argument with a girl with bronze skin and glittering green hair, with a pair of green big eyes. The girl looked really pretty, her beauty not less than Luo Shiyi. And beside them was a man with a scholarly aura having blonde hair and blue eyes, beside the man was Harry Mila adding flames to the fight indirectly.

"I..I didn't." Luo Shiyi said almost crying, but her fighting power was not as strong as the girl with green hair.

"Luo Shiyi! I'm telling you, don't even think of seducing Norman. Just because you're pretty doesn't mean you can get away with somethings!"

Luo Shiyi's face flushed with anger and shame but she couldn't defend herself. She looked really pitiful.

An Ke'an recognised the man and the green haired lady. The man was Norman Park, the guy Luo Shiyi has a crush on, the one behind the reason Luo Shiyi committed suicide in her past life. And the green haired lady was her aunt, her mother Su Xingyu's cousin, Daniela Su.

"Daniela, Xiaoyi isn't that kind of person. Why don't we hear her explanation first?" Norman said looking at Luo Shiyi with his gaze full of worry and affection in the place Mila and Daniela couldn't see.

But An Ke'an, seeing his gaze felt disgusted and couldn't help cursing him over and over again in her mind. Norman was a typical someone with beautiful face and ugly heart, a perverted scumbag.

Sure enough, Luo Shiyi looked at Norman looking touched. An Ke'an sighed, she became friends with Luo Shiyi in five years time. The reason for her speechlessness was because the Luo Shiyi she knew wasn't so timid and naive. She was brave to the extent that she wrote a fanfic romance novel regarding He Sying, a married man and her, his subordinate.

"That's right. Sister might have mistakenly entered the wrong room." Mila said looking at Luo Shiyi with a face full of worry, but one could see her worries were fake.

Immediately Mila said so Luo Shiyi shivered, it was unclear if she was afraid or guilty. But what Mila said seem to have added oil to Daniela's anger.

"You sl*t!" Daniela raised her to slap Luo Shiyi.

An Ke'an reacted fast, but before she shoot her Qi towards Daniela, someone else pulled Luo Shiyi away making Daniela slap the air.

"Daniela Su, I suggest you should be civilised. Who accuses someone without evidence?" A youthful male voice said full of anger. The boy had black hair and black eyes staring at Daniela coldly.

The boy was Xian Sining, the second prince of the empire, also the biological son of the emperor. Though he is the second prince, he is younger than all the princes, the title second prince wasn't given according to age but according to the order they were bestowed Princes.