"Ahem...the problem was that he was completely naked when he was kidnapped," K15 said and his voice became lower at the end of its word. If K15 had a physical body, it would probably be as red as a shrimp.

After all, its gender was female, An Tangxing had chosen the gender for it since he didn't want any male around An Ke'an.

"Then..then how did you track him?" Gia asked looking a little unnatural, she wanted to laugh but she felt she would be scolded if she did.

"He still has the protective shield on him, so I tracked him through it." K15 reported.

"Oh." An Ke'an answered glaring at Gia who was trying to hold her laughter.

"Gia, can you go back to Xiao Bai? Ask them to look for Mingyu's team. I have a feeling they are in danger." An Ke'an added feeling a little uneasy.

"Oh right, Lin Shiyi is in their group right?" Gia asked feeling worried about her.

"Hmm." An Ke'an hummed in response and her mood noticeably plummeted.

Gia noticed it and thought An Ke'an seemed to have a bad mood whenever she mentioned Lin Shiyi. It seems An Ke'an doesn't seem to like her. Why? Could it be related to a feud in her past life?

But Gia didn't ask because they had an impending problem, and that was to save the kidnapped Mingyu.

"Wait, what about you?" Gia asked.

"Don't worry. You know my skills, I'll be alright." An Ke'an assured her.

"But..." Gia asked looking worried. They don't know who those kidnappers are and what they want. Is it really okay for them not to call for help?

Seeing her looking worried An Ke'an assured her.

"Don't worry, they don't seem to want our lives."

"Okay, be careful." Gia sighed before she walked back to the road where Xiao Bai was.

"I will." An Ke'an said as she lowered her eyes, certain emotion flashed through her eyes.

She knew the people who were after her and the twins. She knew them so well that she wouldn't forget them even if they were burned into ashes. She didn't strike first because they hadn't done anything to her, but now It's time she settle her grudges.


The red-haired lady projected a hologram. On the hologram was a man sitting on a red on golden chair, he had golden hair and golden eyes, he was glaring at the red-haired lady like he wanted to eat her whole.

"Red fox, you are saying a girl wet behind her ears managed to subdue five SS-level elite men. Are you kidding me?!" The gold-haired man bellowed.

"My lord, please be careful. You might hurt yourself this way." A man entered the view of the hologram and poured the gold-haired man water to drink.

"Tch, are you sending them or not? That old general is here with the students. You know, once he finds out, none of us will leave unscattered." The red fox, the red-haired lady said in annoyance.

"Fine, which level is her spiritual power in?" The gold-haired man said still angry.

"She is an SS-level." Red Fox reported feeling a little ridiculous about the situation.

How can an SS-level spiritual user beat five SS-level mental power elites? What is worse is that she hasn't even received any systematic training.

"I guess she is already aware of what kind of blood flows in her, for her to be so terrifying at such age." The gold-haired man said with amusement written all over her face.

"Leave the Grants twins, bring me Su Xingyu's daughter." The gold-haired man ordered.

"No way, we already captured the twin boy." Red fox rejected a little angrily. Why is this young master always wishy-washy?

"Whatever, bring him along." The gold-haired man said waving his hands nonchalantly before cutting off the call.

Red fox exploded in anger by kicking the lackeys beside her.

"That damn b*astard, how dare he cut off the call! He is just some illegitimate b*stard. Sooner or later he is going to fall off favor!" The red fox cursed angrily.

The man who was being kicked didn't dare to resist, he could only groan in pain wishing she would stop sooner.

"Will you stop it?! We are currently on a mission. If you're that angry go tell him to his face!" The youth yelled at her in anger.

This woman calls herself a fox but she's nowhere smart or cunning as a fox. Just some brainless woman who got to this position with her body.

The youth thought in disgust as he stared at red fox with anger and a little bit of hatred.

Red Fox kept quiet immediately, though the youth in front of her hadn't reached adulthood, he was a terrifying existence even her boss didn't dare to offend.


Mingyu came out of the bushes after getting dressed. He glared at his half-dead kidnappers in anger and couldn't help looking at the laughing An Ke'an in resentment.

"Which kind of human being kidnaps someone naked?!" Mingyu yelled in resentment while kicking one of his unconscious kidnappers in anger.

The man that was being kicked woke up in pain but soon fainted again.

"I'll wait right here, why don't you go and report to the authorities?" An Ke'an said still giggling a little.

"No way, what if they wake up again? I'll stay here you go and call the authorities." Mingyu rejected it without hesitation.

"Are you forgetting who beat them up to this state and who got himself kidnapped?" An Ke'an looked at him like she was looking at an idiot.

"Ahem, right! We have the emergency button." Mingyu coughed in embarrassment with his face flushed before remembering he had an emergency button. He took it out and waved it at An Ke'an.

"Hey! Pressing that means getting eliminated. Just go along with my plan." An Ke'an grabbed his hand, stopping him from pressing it. She wants to get rid of that annoying organization once and for all. But Mingyu was disrupting her plan. If he doesn't leave how would she go to them?

"That's true. But aren't we being broadcasted..." Mingyu said realizing before looking around for the surveillance camera, but seeing none, he kept quiet.

The surveillance camera has been lost ever since he separated from his group. An Ke'an's team surveillance camera was with her teammates.

"Oh, we lost them," Mingyu said awkwardly as he felt An Ke'an's resentful gaze

"Just do as I say." An Ke'an said not wanting to say another word.

"No need, I'll just press the emergency button, it is just a loss of points if I get eliminated. I'll try to make it up during the examination." Mingyu said quickly. There's no way he is leaving her with this bunch of blind men. If his brothers heard he left her behind, one could imagine the amount of beating he would receive. Thinking of the beatings, Mingyu couldn't help shivering in fear.

"Why are you so stubborn?" An Ke'an said resentfully almost wanting to open up his head. The Grants have always treated her as one delicate girl that needs to be protected. Even in her past life when she became a lieutenant, she still received the same treatment except from Max who treated her as a colleague.

"Ah!" Mingyu said in surprise because the emergency button didn't work. How could have forgotten that it was because it didn't work that he got in this situation?

"It doesn't work. Now go get the authorities." An Ke'an would never admit that it was her who asked K15 to destroy it. The emergency button had already started working when they first met him. Besides it isn't easy to get points to graduate in the mecha department, he will have to work twice the normal student to graduate if that happens.

She had experienced it herself and besides she still felt guilty about the fact that the Grants twins skipped grades to be in the same class with her.

"Fine, but be careful," Mingyu said before he ran toward the direction An Ke'an had pointed.

Seeing Mingyu back disappear, An Ke'an's face turned cold.

'Cress, we meet again.' An Ke'an thought as she ran in the direction where red fox and the youth named Cress were staying.


Cress was typing on his quantum computer at a fast speed when he felt a chill run through his spinal cord. It felt as if something bad was going to happen.

"Sh*t!!" Cress cursed when he realized that the men who had kidnapped Mingyu had been beaten up by An Ke'an and he was not sure whether they were alive or dead.

"What is wrong?" Red fox asked a little startled by his cursing.

"Something is wrong with that girl. No matter how powerful the blood in her is, it's impossible to defeat twelve SS-level experts." Cress said with frustration and a little bit of fear.

"What?! She rescued the Grant's boy!" Red fox asked in shock with her eyes opened in disbelief