Plan For The Day.

"Oh my god, finally!" Avery yelled out loud in excitement, her eyes glued to the phone as she read the few lines of instruction in the email that had been sent to her.

She couldn't be bothered by the fact that Nancy was downstairs in the kitchen right now, and that the older woman would think something was wrong with her for screaming that loud. She was just too happy to think about that.

Few minutes ago, the email she had been diligently waiting for for the past few days had finally arrived. It contained the go-ahead for her to continue living her life as she used to, from the assistant that was assigned to her by the Sherman Agency to combat and manipulate the results of the recent social media uproar about the similarities between Ava Donovan and Avery McCallum. And she had translated the meaning of the email to be... now that everything seemed to have been settled completely, she was free!