Suck Up To Valentina.

Avery eyes roved over Valentina's body, not because she was interested in the pretty clothes the latter was decked out in but because she needed to pretend. Pretend she was fascinated by Valentina, her beauty, her position and everything about her.

Valentina was gullible. She had always been, but Avery had never noticed it. Who would ever want to think of someone they regarded to be their beloved cousin, as gullible? But thinking back now, there had been so many signs but she had simply chose to ignore it.

Now, she was ready to exploit that particular weakness.

She tried to feign fascination, cupping her palms over her mouth as if to hide her shock as her eyes went from Valentina's yellow sundress, to the black designer belt around her waist, and down to the pretty black sandals.

"She's pretty!"

"Omg, she's really does fit the role as Bridgette!"

"No one would look better in those clothes than she does!"