
After realizing the mistake in her insinuating that Ian and Orion had been sent by Archie to watch her, Avery kept her mouth shut and dedicated all her attention to the priest up front.

"The Lord be with you," the man, who looked to be around fifty, prayed.

"And with your spirit," the congregation chorused.

"May the Almighty God bless you, The father, the son and the Holy spirit. Go forth, the mass is ended."

"Thanks be to God..."

As the prayers drew to an end, Avery prepared herself for the shock she was going to make the woman in front of her pass through, but alas, she was the one who ended up shocked.

The girl, the fourteen year old girl she had been talking to earlier outside the church; The same girl who heard what she said about Kathy and had proceeded to join her in badmouthing the older woman, wasn't standing up from her seat.