Daughters of Venus•

Orion laughed again, "Stupid me wanted to apologize for liking your wife when I shouldn't have. She was already married to you when I met her, and she might not love you yet as you just admitted, but I thought it still wasn't in my place to like her. I guess I should have just stayed home. Then I wouldn't have heard and seen everything I heard and saw since I stepped into the room." He snickered, "Then I would have been in the process of helping myself move on."

Archie pushed his glasses up his nose.

"It's a good thing you came though. You got something like a reality check when you walked in, didn't you?"

"Reality check?"

"That Ava might not love me, but she is still married to me. And because of that, I have, and will still, know her in ways you will never have a chance to." He shrugged, "So in a way, I think your coming here wasn't a waste."