16. At The Bathhouse...2

'Focus! Stop staring!' Byeongho scolded himself once he came to his senses after ogling the poor boy, who kept groaning occasionally.

"Let me help." He said this to Doyun, who was attempting to remove his shorts but was too slow with it. 

"Raise up your leg." Doyun did as told, allowing his visitor to successfully remove his shorts. He was now only in his boxers.

Byeongho hangs the shorts on the wall beside where the towel and the shirt are. 

He put the water a bit away from Doyun so that the foam from the soap would not fall into it. 

He then uses a small pail bucket that Doyun had already placed in the water to fetch some and carefully pours it on the boy's shoulders.

Doyun, who had his head leaning against the wall, straightened up as soon as the water came into contact with his body.

Byeongho fetched another one and gave it to him. "Here, pure it on your head."

Doyun took it while staring at him before he splashed the water on himself. 

"Give me your hand. Rub the shower gel on you." Byeongho took his hand and poured a generous amount of the shower gel into his palm.

Doyun did as instructed, but he only rubbed it on his neck and the back of his ear. He was quite careless and slow, so the gel slipped out of his fingers onto the floor.

"Let me. Turn your back to me." Doyun turned to face the wall and told. Byeongho poured some of the gel into his hand and rubbed it in both his palms.

He paused for a moment, considering what he was about to do, but the night air is very chilly now, and staying here any longer will be bad for him.

So, he steered himself to focus on the task and stop all the visualizations in his mind. 

Swallowing hard, Byeongho started by rubbing both hands on each side of Doyun's shoulders before going to his arms and then going to his back and calves.

Doyun closed his eyes as he started to relax while the older guy took care of him. 

His headache was starting to reduce, and despite the nice fragrance of the gel, his nose was still able to detect that sweet smell that emanated from the older guy.

More than once, he was tempted to turn his face to the guy in order to inhale his scent deeper, but his visitor would force him to turn his back to him again.

"Now, turn your face to me." Byeongho said this after he was done with his back.

Doyun made to turn to face him, but his left shoulder bumped against Byeongho's chest because of their close proximity.

The movement caught the taller guy off guard, and he lost his balance as he stumbled back and was about to fall.

Doyun instinctively grabbed Byeongho's right hand while his other hand held his waist as he pulled the older guy to himself.

The force with which he had pulled the guy caused him to hit his back against the wall as Byeongho's chest bumped against his and as his lips brushed against Doyun's nose due to the slight difference in their heights.

Doyun subconsciously circled his hands across Byeongho's back and pulled him tighter to himself.

"Oho. Sorry. Sorry. I should've moved back before you turned. Sorry I didn't..." Byeongho says apologetically before trying to free himself but Doyun didn't let him.

"Shh. It's okay. It's no one's fault." Doyun cuts him off. His hoarse voice sounded quite sexy to Byeongho's ears. It almost sounded like a deep, low baritone voice, unlike his usual voice.

"Mhm." Byeongho said and tried to pull out of his hug, but again, Doyun refused to let him go. 

"Can we stay like this for awhile?" Doyun whispered into his ear in a low voice.

"How...how do you mean?" Byeongho asked, not sure if he understood it the same way the boy meant. 

"Mhmmm." Doyun inhaled deeply before adding, "Your scent calms me down. Can we stay like this for a while? Hm?"

Byeongho was quite confused with his statement. What does he mean by his "scent"? All he could smell around them was the fragrance from the shower gel.

His clothes were partially wet now, and staying here any further would only worsen the cold air he was already feeling. He needs to get back in before the chilly weather affects him badly. 

"It's not my scent. It's the gel's. It's getting too chilly here; let's finish up and go back in before you catch a cold." 

Doyun finally removes his hands, allowing the older dude to continue. 

Byeongho fetched some water and poured it on Doyun's chest before pouring some gel to rub on his thick abs, then to his navel, and down to his thighs and legs.

He got distracted by the boy's fine body on several occasions, but his fingers were starting to react to the chilly air and the cold water, so he couldn't entertain his fantasies that much.

When he was done with the rubbing of the gel on the boy's body, he brought the bucket of water closer to Doyun and told him to finish up while he rinsed his hands.

"Ouch! What did you do that for? Don't you know that it's very cold right now?" Byeongho exclaimed and asked in annoyance. Instantly after washing himself, the boy poured the water on him instead.

"To wash the soap off you, It happened when you bumped into me, remember? So let's wash the soap off together." 

'Who bumped into whom?' He stared at the boy in annoyance as he couldn't counter his statement, as his clothes indeed had gel on them too.

Doyun didn't wait for his agreement and continued to pour some of the water on Byeongho, whose clothes were now wet completely.

It was after he was satisfied that the older guy was good to go that he rinsed himself.